RT @kamreadsandrecs@twitter.com
My #review of #Linghun by #AiJiang is now live! The author's prose is superb, and the stories themselves lovely meditations on death, grief, memory, and obligation.
#horror #novellas #shortstories
Full review in next tweet.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kamreadsandrecs/status/1672065259694325762
#review #linghun #aijiang #horror #novellas #shortstories
@bookstodon My #review of #Linghun by #AiJiang is now live! The author's prose is superb, and the stories themselves lovely meditations on death, grief, memory, and obligation.
#ShortStories #Horror #Novellas
Full review here: https://kamreadsandrecs.tumblr.com/post/720880109769408512/title-linghun-author-ai-jiang-genres
#review #linghun #aijiang #shortstories #horror #novellas
RT @AitziST@twitter.com
Imaginaos una urbanización en la que los muertos vuelven a la vida como espíritus, por lo que los familiares luchan por conseguir una de las casas.
Reseña de #Linghun, de
@AiJiang_@twitter.com ,que publicará @dilatandomentes@twitter.com durante el primer cuatrimestre de 2024: http://t.ly/RdN5
RT @lovngmindfulnss@twitter.com
It's been a long couple weeks...but look at this so smol scary amazingness that arrived two weeks ago?! I'm super excited to dive in, @AiJiang_@twitter.com! #Linghun 🖤
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lovngmindfulnss/status/1660432049017180160
RT @elianeboey@twitter.com
Happy 满月 (full moon) to #LINGHUN! 👻🌕
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/elianeboey/status/1653712865067667456