@Scatterseed @seachanger The chapter looks fascinating I see that the 2008 edition (in University of Alaska libraries) does not list that chapter (content notes EBSCO) #LingítAani #ANS
@Scatterseed @seachanger I agree that there was no official record of Elizabeth Peratrovichʼs testimony. (Alaska Senate minutes of meeting are scant) We do have consistent descriptions, from newspapers and story keepers and the then governorʼs biography. #LingítAaní
@Shanative22 Welcome! Iʼm in #SoutheastAlaska on #LingítAaní about to take on the chore of signing up for course thise semester with UAS -- all online for this non-degree seeking person.
Ax̱ éesh, Yanshḵu.oowú, wearing the Naanyaa.aayi Marmot hat, that hat of his father’s grandfathers! He is Kaagwaantaan and Teeyhíttaan yádi. True aan yádi, child of the land #lingítaaní #tlingit #lingít #indigenous #nativeamerican #nativeamerica #alaskanative
#lingitaani #tlingit #lingit #indigenous #nativeamerican #nativeamerica #alaskanative