parent: laughing at toddler being silly
toddler 2.5yo: "what are you funny about?"
@bergelsonlab LOL!!!
Hat’s off to you for being the first to use #linguistbabyphotos on Mastodon! :apartyblobcat:
Playing hangman with my 10yo last night, my word was “strictly”. She guessed A, E, I, O, U and was puzzled that only one of those was in the word. I said, “What’s sometimes like a vowel and sometimes not?” She guessed R! #proud
#linguistics #variation #sociolinguistics #English #UKEnglish #rhoticity #Edinburgh #linguistbabyphotos
#linguistbabyphotos #edinburgh #rhoticity #ukenglish #english #sociolinguistics #variation #linguistics #proud
parent: "do you think whining is gonna work?"
toddler 2.5yo: "i think yes'
toddler 2.5yo: <insists on going to bathroom with parent> "can you flush? i don't like to smell your pee"
#overlyhonesttoddlers #linguistbabyphotos