With Fedilab you can use #LibreTranslate (default), #Lingva and #DeepL (you need your API key).
#libretranslate #lingva #deepl
#Fedilab 3.23.0 has been published:
- Add preview for app icons
- Two new app icons
- Fix #Nitter feeds (Nitter.net is currently down - 403 - You have to change your instance too)
- Crash with #Pixelfed accounts
- #Lingva encoding issue
- Avoid sleep mode for media activity
- Videos are played simultaneously
- Voice messages for Android 10+
- Punycode not supported for domains
#fedilab #nitter #pixelfed #lingva
for those who use #lingva (a #google translate frontend), some instances including lingva.ml are down, but not all of them. details @ https://github.com/thedaviddelta/lingva-translate/issues/169
Only just come across #lingva as a privacy alternative front-end to #GoogleTranslate (includes #Cymraeg) https://lingva.ml/ #degoogle
#degoogle #cymraeg #googletranslate #lingva
@jaqbsy My days of using google have come to an end. Thanks.
What else is out there besides these instances?
#Lingva #Libretranslate #googletranslate
#lingva #libretranslate #googletranslate
Today I've discovered this cool website which has replaced google translate for me:
https://lingva.ml/ 🥳
P.S. In reality it's just a front-end of it, so all translations still go to Google, however they won't be associated with my account at least 🙂
#googletranslate #google #lingva
We have been warned of #Lingva, an alternative front-end for Google Translate with over a hundred languages available.
It will be available with the next #Fedilab release.
❌ #GoogleTranslate (#PRISM)
❌ #YandexTranslate [tax(profits) →Putin’s war]
❌ #DeepL (shares sensitive txt w/tech giant; misleads ppl about it)
❌ #LibreTranslate.com (shares sensitive txt w/tech giant; no privacy policy; solicits trust w/buzz phrases “libre”, “free & open”)
🤷 #lingva.ml (FOSS frontend; still Google)
🤷 translate.fedilab.app (no privacy policy but no evidence of mishandling data either)
Running locally:
✅ #ArgosTranslate
✅ #Apertium.org
✅ #translatelocally.com (EU funded)
#googletranslate #prism #YandexTranslate #deepl #libretranslate #lingva #argostranslate #apertium #translatelocally
I have to admit that I use Google Translate a lot for checking my sentences in Gàidhlig. Now I found an alternative front-end for Google Translate, serving as a free and open source translator for a whole raft of languages. You can even host it yourself: Lingva
The official instance is
More information on this github site:
#language #translation #googletranslate #alternative #opensource #lingva
#lingva #opensource #alternative #googletranslate #translation #language
As working on #Tusky directly was maybe a bit risky, especially as I've never worked with Android Studio before (and I've hardly ever touched Java or Kotlin) I'm now trying to make an Android client for #Lingva using retrofit2, so that I can then apply the same functions on Tusky 😋
Je viens de découvrir #Lingva, une interface alternative à #GoogleTranslate, qui permet d'utiliser le service sans se faire pister par #Google.
Cependant, je préfère quand même utiliser #DeepL.
Le code est disponible sur #Github : https://github.com/TheDavidDelta/lingva-translate
#HygièneNumérique #ViePrivée #Traducteur #GAFAM #FOSS #OpenSource
#opensource #foss #gafam #traducteur #vieprivée #hygiènenumérique #github #deepl #google #googletranslate #lingva
Astuce du jour sur la traduction sans être suivi par Google:
Inspiré par des projets comme NewPipe, Nitter, Invidious ou Bibliogram, Lingva scrappe via GTranslate et récupère la traduction sans utiliser aucun service lié à Google, l’empêchant ainsi de vous suivre.
Développé et maintenu par @TheDavidDelta
Lien officiel: https://lingva.ml
NB: Google reste propriétaire des traductions effectuées. Faites donc attention à ce que vous traduisez.
#opensource #notracking #lingva
La kameruna teamo de kruro-amputitaj futbalistoj riskas preskaŭ maltrafi sian unuan internacian debuton https://eo.globalvoices.org/?p=5922 #Blogo #Ĉefaĵo #Civitanaj #komunikiloj #Disvolvado #Homaj #rajtoj #Junuloj #Kameruno #Sporto #Subsahara #Afriko #A2 #lingva #nivelo #esperanto #globalvoices
#blogo #ĉefaĵo #civitanaj #komunikiloj #disvolvado #homaj #rajtoj #junuloj #Kameruno #Sporto #subsahara #afriko #a2 #lingva #nivelo #esperanto #globalvoices
Lingva simpozio emfazis la bezonon ne nur paroli sed aŭskulti https://unesperante.wordpress.com/2019/07/10/lingva-simpozio-emfazis-la-bezonon-ne-nur-paroli-sed-auskulti/ #Sem #categoria #Lingva #Simpozio #lingvo #esperanto
#sem #categoria #lingva #simpozio #lingvo #esperanto