I know y'all are way more advanced than I am,
but I'm doing #Python problems on #leetcode and I just discovered a while loop works with "else" and I'm never going to feel like I've learned anything at all I think.
Also, I love #linkedLists, but I feel like there's something I don't understand in this looping code that does work. :(
#python #LeetCode #linkedlists
#AdventOfPBT #Day4 🎅📅
Let's try to #test cyclde detection in #LinkedLists via #PropertyBased. Here is a link to an up-and-running #dev environment running a #JavaScript version of the code https://codesandbox.io/s/advent-of-pbt-day-4-g0jdy?file=/src/index.spec.ts&previewwindow=tests
👋 Today's topic: detectCycleInLinkedList
📥 Answer tonight!
More details: https://dev.to/dubzzz/advent-of-pbt-2021-day-4-3m6g
#adventofpbt #day4 #test #linkedlists #propertybased #dev #javascript
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/detecting-linked-list-cycle-leetcode
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/detecting-linked-list-cycle-leetcode
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1592729223961407489#m
Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it. - https://hackernoon.com/detecting-linked-list-cycle-leetcode #algorithms #linkedlists