Åtal för involverande av underårig i brottslighet
Åklagare har väckt åtal mot en 22-årig man misstänkt för att ha involverat två underåriga personer i narkotikahandel i Linköping. De två är födda år 2007 respektive 2008. Mannen som nu åtalats har varit häktad sedan 6 juli.
#Brott #Linkping #Rttsvsen #Narkotika
#narkotika #rttsvsen #linkping #brott
I've set up the matterdelta plug-in for matterbridge with our irc channel on libera.chat and it works really well. #linkping #deltachat #irc
Meet up on Wednesday evening at the lab. We're trying out a few electronics kits together with some soldering irons, just a test evening and pizza. #linkping
Just installed #nextcloud for the hackerspace. Was super easy and works well on a tiny VPS on Digital Ocean #linkping
Mid table done. Nice to have some extra space and be able to move things up so not everything is in front of you. #hackerspaces #linkping
I built an 8-bit computer bus using the power lines from four breadboards. This design is from Ben Eaters 8-bit computer project. #linkping #electronics
What's happening? I'm organizing a soldering workshop during the summer for the local community. I'm thinking a summer afternoon under a tent (in case a lot of sun or rain) with some tables and chairs. Sound good? #linkping
I'm building my first 8-bit register this week using some ICs from the 74-series. I really like the 74-series. You can tell there was a lot of thought put into it. Love that you can choose different levels of abstractions. Build everything using logic gates or take a short cut by picking a ready made component. #electronics #linkping
Clock module done. Just need some cleaning up of the gate logic. Essentially there are three different 555s in different modes. The left most is in astable mode (oscillating), the middle in mono stable mode (one pulse when the button is pushed) and the right in bistable mode (on or off). The design allows to send clock pulses with different frequency and also to send single clock pulses for debugging. #electronics #linkping
Wiring up the second 555 in monostable mode. Using long jumper cables that I think make it easier but slightly more ugly. Coming from a software perspective this would be analogous to crap variable names and a lot of commented out code. Will clean it up later once I get it to work. To the left you can see the astable version which is a bit cleaner. #linkping #electronics
Here's the 555 in the so called astable mode. This means it's putting out a square wave and oscillating between high and low. The values of two resistors and a capacitor determines how long time it's low and how long it's high (duty cycle). #555 #electronics #linkping
Started looking at the clock module kit from Ben Eater. #electronics #linkping
Found this disco ball in the trash. Only needed some tlc and a missing adapter. #linkping
I learned a new trick today. I opened up an unknown custom electrical device and saw this. You can use cable-ties around a single wire to prevent it from being pulled from the outside damaging the endpoints. #linkping #hackerspaces
Cleaning the electrical parts. The motor is an ancient electrical motor of the brand Sytrix, works like a clock still. I don't want to open it and just cleaned the outside with alcohol. This is what the motor and the has pedal looks like. Also, the motor has an additional outlet for plugging in the lamp. #linkping #singer
Cleaning the mechanism for filling up the bobbin with thread (lacking English here). Plenty of stuff going on here but basically the wheel to the right (missing rubber wheel for now) spins, which makes the concentric wheel spin (to the left on the table) which makes the arm turn left and right, like a viper. Which causes the thread to fill up the bobbin from left to right.