Someone in offlinespace asked me about The Deep Web day-before-yesterday and I think this is an excellent example, and an example of someone being creative and powerful with web3 for the benefit of art and freedom, whereas I naievely associate javascript with facebook or the mastodon web interface for example.
Also ipfs
The #links2 prophet is very powerful as well. All sorts of things work in links2 (eventually).
(It doesn't run js though as you say)
@technotramp thanks! I look forward to getting to know you and this new scene better.
#links2gang is there existing knowledge/hacks for Rplayer / ipfs with #links2 ?
@stevelord that's so cool, thank you for doing vintage 3D for this #OldComputerChallenge . I was learning a bit about pre-modern 3D graphics and modelling from the live chat on #aNONradio this week, it's nice to see you actually living an example!
Edit: By the way, I could visit your weblog in #links2 but not #emacs #eww (??)
#oldcomputerchallenge #anonradio #links2 #emacs #eww
Do you try Links2 browser?
Links is a graphics and text mode web browser, released under GPL.
Links runs on Linux, BSD, UNIX in general, OS/2, Cygwin under Windows, AtheOS, BeOS, FreeMint.
Links runs in graphics mode (mouse required) on X Window System (UN*X, Cygwin), SVGAlib, Linux Framebuffer, OS/2 PMShell, AtheOS GUI
Links runs in text mode (mouse optional) on UN*X console, ssh/telnet virtual terminal, vt100 terminal, xterm, and virtually any other text terminal. Mouse is supported for GPM, xterm, and OS/2. Links supports colors on terminal.
Easy and quick user control via pull-down menu in both text and graphics mode, in 33 languages.
HTML 4.0 support (without CSS)
HTTP 1.1 support
Tables, frames in both graphics and text mode, builtin image display in graphics mode
Builtin image display
install in Debian
`sudo apt-get install links2`
run links2 via command in terminal
`links2 -g`
@ericsfraga @cwebber
We're talking about how #emacs #mastodonEl and #links2 + brutaldon obviate adblockers right.
is there a #links2 way to say "handle urls like this by giving them to this mpv command" like with mapping file groups?
Semana Negra o cómo sobrevivir una semana completa en GNU/Linux sin
interface gráfica, solamente usando la consola o terminal.
#ASCII #Bash #Consola #ConsoleNinja #emacs #fbi #fbterm #FLISoL #framebuffer #GNU #links2 #Linux #mplayer #OrgMode #SemanaNegra #Shell #Terminal #Tmux #TTY
#ascii #bash #consola #consoleninja #emacs #fbi #fbterm #flisol #framebuffer #gnu #links2 #linux #mplayer #orgmode #semananegra #shell #terminal #tmux #tty
@strypey @bob @raccoon Aside, the activitypub protocol refers to sending a Context json via web post and get requests.
To use mastodon I endorse #mastodonel in emacs or for your own client-to-server API use, Common Lisp's #tooter official package, which is based on Edi Weitz' drakma for web requests.
Another aside, I became a true-believer in #links2 rather than lynx, except that lynx directly supports #gopher and people already have it installed.
#mastodonel #tooter #links2 #gopher
@dredmorbius @liztai That's interesting. One of the fun things has been to see where Google Maps thinks you are when you use the #Tor browser.
I also use #Links2 to get past "soft" news site paywalls. The result is a little ugly but it works.
i meant ```
but Twidere/Mastodon replaced it with just the "x"
and the label shows up and the input is shown as a text field in #Links2
I am looking for a terminal web broswer.
Not only is it a good idea to be able to browse the web in the terminal like on a server using ssh, you can also browse the web on your computer more privately and supposedly faster.
Any suggestions?
- links
- links2
- elinks
- w3m
- lynx
- eww
- hv3
- browsh
#terminal #ssh #web #browser #links #links2 #elinks #w3m #lynx #eww #browsh
#terminal #elinks #w3m #lynx #eww #browsh #ssh #web #browser #links #links2