#applech2 #amazon_co_jp #linksys #セール
#applech2 #amazon_co_jp #linksys #セール
Linksys、AppleのHomeKitやトライバンドWi-Fi 6に対応した「Velop AX4200」ルーターのクーポンセールを開催。
#applech2 #amazon_co_jp #apple #linksys #wi_fi #セール #ルーター
#applech2 #amazon_co_jp #apple #linksys #wi_fi #セール #ルーター
#20yrsago #Linksys using #GPL code, not releasing modifications
#15yrsago Public Knowledge’s “#SelectableOutputControl” video
#10yrsago Google flips on @NetNeutrality: all pirates want to be admirals
#10yrsago Cyber-crooks mail heroin to @briankrebs
#20yrsago #linksys #gpl #15yrsago #selectableoutputcontrol #10yrsago
About a month ago I bought the #Linksys #Velop AX4200 Mesh — the only HomeKit router listed in Apple’s website
And I gotta give it major two thumbs up 👍👍
Every WiFi issue I was having went away. Specially all 7 HomePods playing in sync and how fast they are found with Bonjour. Plus home accessories response time are immediate.
Good morning fediverse!
This is a hashtag spam post calling for tech support for a friend, their discord app is borked is fun ways, this post is a reply to some details I posted when most were likely sleeping (I’m sure a lot still are).
#techsupport #Discord #networking #linksys #router #android #mobile #wifi #troubleshooting #help
#techsupport #discord #networking #linksys #router #android #mobile #wifi #troubleshooting #help
Linksys、Amazonで四半期に一度の「訳あり品大放出セール」を開催中 − メッシュWi-Fi 6ルーターなどが対象|気になる、記になる… #セール情報 #Linksys
$15 (74% off, was $60) #Linksys #AC1200 #WiFi Range Extender, WiFi 5 Range Booster, Dual-Band Booster, #Repeater, 6,500 Sq. ft Coverage
Works 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac WiFi specs. 1.2Gbps speed links.
Guess they wanna move old stock.
check 5% off coupon box to get it under $15.
@ThatLARRYSHOW @SirBemrose @darrenoneill @SirSpencer @CSB @hogihung @shepard @zoon @NoAgendaMO @coldacid @Viking @RickBrandon @ringo @ReadyKilowatt @z31r4m
#delete #deal
#linksys #ac1200 #wifi #repeater #delete #deal
Update.. It worked... A simple crossover cable is what I needed & bam...
For those wondering I have a linksys MR75MS going into a Cisco SG300-20. My older Linksys EA6900 v1.1 was working fine but the new one was not getting an ip address for some reason (red indicator light) . Well the crossover cable worked.
#networking #linksys #Cisco #homelab
#networking #linksys #cisco #homelab
Finally got to play with the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X this weekend. Managed to reuse my old wifi routers as access points, unfortunately they apparently do not support VLANs in bridge mode? (#linksys AC2200)
This means I no longer have a guest network. Woops. Next guests coming in three weeks so that's how long I have to sort this out.
How to Setup Linksys WiFi Extender
Are you looking for an easy guide on Linksys wifi extender setup? If Yes then you are in the right palace. In this guide we are sharing two easy method steps on how to setup linksys wifi extender so you can go with any method which you find easy. For any query you can also get in touch with our experts in case you need additional support for linksys extender setup. Source Link:
#linksyswifiextendersetup #linksys #wifi
#wifi #linksys #linksyswifiextendersetup
Linksys 年末 Router 優惠 為家居網絡升級做好準備
年尾到新年總是和親友聚會的時間,現在即時打卡或者視像會議等需求增加,家中網絡也因此需要應付多人連接同時保持速度。Linksys 最近就推出年末大優惠,想要提升家庭網絡的朋友就不妨留意今次機會。The post Linksys 年末 Router 優惠 為家居網絡升級做好準備 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#生活科技 #Linksys #router #家庭網絡
Hat jemand Verwendung für einen #Linksys WRT54GL #Router? DD-WRT ist schon installiert. Läuft ohne zu murren.
#kleinanzeige #router #linksys
@vikzurita ..y este fue mi primer NAS oficial de #Linksys #Cisco, con una extraordinaria capacidad de 1Tb en un arreglo de dos discos. Ahora es solo una pieza de mi colección.. pero aún funciona!
So I don't know whether to replace the #Linksys #Nighthawk #R8000 with a higher-end and more capable #router (such as #Ubiquiti, if I could afford such), or go with #repeaters (about the requirements of which I know nothing), or get an additional relatively low-end (read: #affordable) router and put the #IoT devices on a separate #subnet as originally ideated. Or something else. 🤔
Open to suggestions. Please. My #SBH is going spare about not being able to reach the printer.. 🙄🤪😔
#linksys #Nighthawk #r8000 #router #ubiquiti #repeaters #affordable #iot #subnet #sbh
As I said, I've got no idea about the #network #hardware, and severely limited funds. If I could have gotten the #DLink running, I would have had it be #DHCP #server for the #IoT devices in a separate subnet, since the #Linksys #R8000 isn't up to the combined task.
The R8000 logs don't even show #association requests for the devices not coming up, so I don't know if it's a #traffic issue or a router limitation.
#network #hardware #dlink #dhcp #server #iot #linksys #r8000 #association #traffic
I'm disappointed that my first foray into #OpenWRT came a cropper; the #DLink DIR-645 I #bricked with it was my main #Wifi #router before I moved up to the #Linksys #Nighthawk #R8000 2.4GHz/5GHz one I'm using now. (Which is having difficulty handling all my normal and #IoT devices, hence looking for alternatives. 😔)
Some #infrastructure-type things (like printers, #Raspi devices, and #PlayStation #consoles 🤣) really *need* to be #hardwired. 🙄😁🤪. #DHCP is giving me the red-arse..
#openwrt #dlink #bricked #wifi #router #linksys #Nighthawk #r8000 #iot #infrastructure #raspi #playstation #consoles #hardwired #dhcp
Pour ceux qui manquent de réseau dans leur vie, voici de quoi les combler :
* Routeur Wi-Fi Linksys WRT1900ACS-EU Wi-Fi Open source Double bande
* Borne et répéteur WiFi D-Link DAP-1360
* Routeur Turris MOX Classic Open source
#linksys #dlink #turris #turrismox #wifi #leboncoin #lbc :boost_ok:
#linksys #dlink #turris #turrismox #wifi #leboncoin #LBC