Facebook Dropping Facebook News in France, UK, and Germany
Facebook has announced that Facebook News will be going by the wayside in 4 European countries, throwing another wrench into link taxes.
One of the concepts pushed by link tax supporters around the wo
#Copyright #International #BillC18 #Canada #Europe #Facebook #FacebookNews #France #Germany #LinkTax #Meta #NewsLinks #OnlineNewsAct #UK
#uk #onlinenewsact #newslinks #meta #linktax #germany #france #facebooknews #facebook #europe #canada #billc18 #international #copyright
Canadian Government Raises the Cost of News Links for Platforms
The government released some draft regulations for the Online News Act. In it, they effectively raised the cost to host them.
Meta has already rolled out news links blocking on Facebook. In late June, Google announced that it, too, would block new
#Copyright #BillC18 #Canada #Facebook #Google #LinkTax #Meta #OnlineNewsAct
#onlinenewsact #meta #linktax #google #facebook #canada #billc18 #copyright
As PM Trudeau Complains About Meta News Link Blocking, He Continues to Shovel Ad Money to Them
Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau complained that Meta is continuing news link blocking. This as he can't stop shovelling advertising dollars towards them.
In response to the wildfires across Canada,
#Copyright #BillC18 #Canada #JustinTrudeau #LinkTax #OnlineNewsAct
#onlinenewsact #linktax #justintrudeau #canada #billc18 #copyright
@pre As a Canadian techie, I was telling everyone who would listen that this was the obvious and unavoidable outcome if bill C-18 was passed.
I wrote a (hopefully) funny thread about it.
#C18 #LinkTax #facebook #google #DinosaurMedia #media #legacy
#c18 #linktax #facebook #google #dinosaurmedia #media #legacy
@adamkovac #LinkTax is bs as ut only penalizes #SmallSites and won't do jack shite about #GAFAMs which are #TooBigToJail because they didn't get #ShermanAntitrustAct'd in time...
#shermanantitrustact #tooBigToJail #gafams #smallsites #linktax
@not2b @Sir_Osis_of_Liver @tod
Hear, hear. Exactly; it's a link tax. And financially, it makes no sense to pretty much *anyone*, so the companies choosing not to pay to link was both predictable, and in fact predicted by many, many people - pretty much everyone except members of the Canadian #dinosaur #media, #politicians, and anti-capitalism #zealots.
#capitalism #LinkTax #economics #Economics101 #blowback #consequences
#dinosaur #media #politicians #zealots #capitalism #linktax #economics #economics101 #blowback #consequences
Regarding the blocking of Canadian news, can we at least place the #blame where it belongs?
#Canadian #Legacy #Media convinced the #government of #Canada to pass a law forcing #Facebook and #Google to pay to show snippets of, and #link to, Canadian news articles.
So Facebook and Google had a choice: they could continue to do this, and pay for the privilege, or they could stop linking to it. There was no third option.
We forced the choice on them; blame our #politicians.
#blame #canadian #legacy #media #government #canada #facebook #google #link #politicians #c18 #linktax
"Had the government listened to anyone other than media lobbyists"
"Hätte die Regierung mal auf jemanden gehört der nicht für alte Medien lobbiert".
Kennen wir... war bei der desaströsen EU #Copyright Reform genauso. 😡
#Uploadfilter #Leistungsschutzrecht #Linktax #ChatkontrolleStoppen #Chatkontrolle #chatcontrol #Zensur
#niemehrspd #niemehrcdu #zensur #chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle #ChatkontrolleStoppen #linktax #leistungsschutzrecht #uploadfilter #copyright
#Uploadfilter und #Leistungsschutzrecht / #Linktax waren schon immer eine wirklich blöde Idee und wenn ich auf Facebook/Meta nicht ausstehen kann, so finde ich es trotzdem goldrichtig, dass man der hemmungslosen Gier von Legacy-Publishern hier endlich einen Riegel vorschiebt:
#niemehrspd #niemehrcdu #linktax #leistungsschutzrecht #uploadfilter
International Reaction to Bill C-18: How Do We Avoid Being the Next Canada?
International attention to Bill C-18 is increasing. One question is on their mind: how do we avoid the failures of Bill C-18?
The Canadian government was trying to become a golden standard for how to implemen
#Copyright #BillC18 #BuffyWicks #California #Canada #CJPA #Europe #LinkTax #OnlineNewsAct #US
#us #onlinenewsact #linktax #europe #cjpa #canada #california #buffywicks #billc18 #copyright
I think #Chekov said something to the effect of, you can't show the #audience a #performative, #senseless act of #parliament in Act One unless the #government can shoot itself in the foot with it in Act Three.
#C18 #FootGun #AntonChekov #BigTech #DinosaurMedia #TechDirt #LinkTax
#chekov #audience #performative #senseless #parliament #government #c18 #footgun #antonchekov #bigtech #dinosaurmedia #techdirt #linktax
Techies: 'Fraid not. You're trying to #have your #cake, and #eat it too.
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: We don't get it. How do you eat your cake if you don't have it?
Techies: You didn't take any history classes, did you?
CML: Why would we need those?
Techies: Anyways... as long as C-18 is in effect, you won't get any traffic or exposure.
CML: That sucks! Fix it!
Techies: I give up.
#idiocy #insanity #WebTax #LinkTax #C18 #Canada #DinosaurMedia
#have #cake #eat #canadian #legacy #media #idiocy #insanity #webtax #linktax #c18 #canada #dinosaurmedia
Techies: So, anyways... what are you going to do now? Your site traffic has #collapsed, Canadian media #websites have essentially fallen off the face of the planet as far as the general public is concerned. Are you going to ask the #government to revoke C-18?
Government: We Shall ...
Techies: SHUT UP!
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: ... uh, we don't know. Is there a way that we get #paid, and we get the #traffic?
Techies: No.
CML: How about if we #whine really #loudly?
#collapsed #Websites #government #canadian #legacy #media #paid #traffic #whine #loudly #c18 #linktax
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: Hey, why are you calling us legacy media?
Techies: Well, you're the old media interests. #Newspapers, commercial #TV, maybe a bit of #radio if there's any of that left.
CML: Uh... ya, that's us, the media.
Techies: No, you're just part of the Canadian media landscape.
CML: ... Part of?
Techies: Yes. A small part.
CML: But we're the media!
Techies: Oh, brother. It's gonna be *that* kind of day.
#canadian #legacy #media #Newspapers #TV #radio #dinosaurmedia #linktax #evolution
French Newspaper Files Lawsuit Against Twitter for Not Paying Link Taxes
With link taxes failing in Canada, a French newspaper is suing Twitter for not paying the link taxes.
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a differe
#Copyright #LawandTechnology #AFP #France #lawsuit #LinkTax #Twitter #X
#x #twitter #linktax #lawsuit #france #afp #lawandtechnology #copyright
@ericfreyss Not quite.
In France, if reports are correct, Google pays news publishers for the right to show news content. (Google has been doing that in Canada already. They pay publishers millions to show paywalled content in the Google News Showcase.)
The Canadian #LinkTax would NOT allow Google to show any copyrighted content. It is a tax on providing links to paywalls or broadcasters websites. Very different. Most of the $$$ would go to large telecom corps who also own cable TV stations.
#Canada enacted a #LinkTax law. If #Meta and #Google keep providing links to the #paywall s of #news websites, they will have to pay 30 percent of the total cost of all news production in the country (mostly TV news).
"No TNX", said Meta and Google. They just won't provide links to paywalls anymore. The government thought it was a #bluff and called it. Now Meta has started blocking the links, a I report for @heiseonline in German:
#canada #linktax #meta #google #paywall #news #bluff #billc18 #c18 #onlinenewsact
@ianbetteridge No, #LinkTax is inherently bad because it increases #centralization as it punishes #SmallMedia and #IndependentCreators harder than it could ever penalize #GAFAMs!
#gafams #independentcreators #smallmedia #centralization #linktax
Very good. While I have no love for Facebook or any other large tech company, the reality is that this law that was also unfortunatly was lobbied into the last (and disastrous) copyright reform in the EU is just plain stupid. It can be summarized with
Tech Companies make a crap ton of money with advertisement that used to belong to legacy media companies. Now those legacy media companies cry about Tech corps being rich and they being poor. And that is why they want a #Linktax so badly.... a stupid idea like few others.
The internet should fight back and bury this stupid law where it belongs.... it needs to be removed in Europe, too.
#uploadfilter #leistungsschutzrecht #linktax