2019 jetbrains publishes a howto to be able to step-debug twig templates. Yes! The user-edited ones. As well as the compiled-to-php ones.
Lucky me stumbled over it when I needed exactly that functionality right now!
Thought I'd share it: https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2019/05/twig-and-blade-templates-debugging-2/
The most important part of documentation is knowing what you are writing, and for whom. Tech writing best practices post and the content structure tips are very good https://wellshapedwords.com/essentials/practices/#structure-content-according-to-different-reader-needs #LinkTuesday
I really like to do lots of different things in any given day, but trying to be intentional about choosing which one thing I am focused on, and when to switch, is a fine line between productivity and insanity! This article helped https://leaddev.com/process/context-switching-strategies-preserve-your-focus #linkTuesday
I touched on deliberate practice in one of my blog posts last week so for #linkTuesday here's one of my favourite articles about this idea that any of us can improve a skill by investing the time and the right sort of energy.
Considering your documention as a product in its own right is a key element of Developer Experience, so I enjoyed reading this post about documentation analytics https://thisisimportant.net/posts/documentation-site-analytics-start/ #DevX #LinkTuesday
RT @akrabat@twitter.com
Clean Code and Object Calisthenics Rules I try to Follow by @beberlei@twitter.com contains lots of useful advice on creating and maintaining a good codebase. #LinkTuesday
RT @akrabat@twitter.com
Lots of people have a different name to their legal name. @penelope_zone@twitter.com's article "Changing your name is a hard unsolved problem in Computer Science" is a good read on this. It's mind-boggling to me that this *still* isn't handled well. #LinkTuesday https://dev.to/penelope_zone/changing-your-name-is-a-hard-unsolved-problem-in-computer-science-kjf
RT @shochdoerfer@twitter.com
JMAP: A modern, open email protocol http://ow.ly/JOln50u1she #linktuesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/shochdoerfer/status/1125656451609968640
RT @akrabat@twitter.com: This talk by @philsturgeon@twitter.com on REST (& GraphQL) is still one of my favourites. If you're thinking of creating an API, pay attention to Phil's thoughts. #LinkTuesday
Slides: https://talks.philsturgeon.uk/instances/rubyconfco-17/a-no-nonsense-graphql-rest-comparison/html/#/
RT @akrabat@twitter.com: Great article by @lornajane@twitter.com on how easy it is to support a speaker so that they give the best talk that they can. https://lornajane.net/posts/2018/support-for-speakers #linkTuesday