How the effort to maintain a sense of community among Swedish immigrants caused a 150 ton statue to take a walk. #Chicago #Swede #monuments #HydePark #Linneaus
#chicago #swede #monuments #hydepark #linneaus
Carl Linneaus invented modern scientific nomenclature and personally named and described ten thousand species. #Poetry #Science #History #ScientificNomenclature #Linneaus (
#poetry #science #history #scientificnomenclature #linneaus
@Edent #Linneaus in 1758 divided mankind into a range of races (or subspecies, the terms were indistinguishable): ferus (goes on all 4s), americanus (red), asianus (yellow or sallow), europeanus (white), africanus (black). Each is attributed one of the medieval humours.
Original Latin & Turton's English translation of 50 years later.
Images from #BiodiversityHeritageLibrary
#linneaus #BiodiversityHeritageLibrary