"Le estati volano, gli inverni camminano."
So a lot of you are techies, and I'm getting more and more serious about abandoning corporate software, so to my mind, that means a Framework laptop + Linux (probably Ubuntu since it's Apple-like). Any other suggestions?
#laptop #tech #framework #ubuntu #linus
The first video from LTT since the crisis has just aired. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZXrJRpA0Jw
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
And we have a new video from Linus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAE5KoyFEUo
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp
In turn, the positive ranking:
#linustorvalds #linus
#opensource #linux #debian #opensuse #gnome #unix #foss #mastodon #fediverse #fsf #eff #libreoffice #nextcloud #tutanota #protonmail #signal #matrix #AlmaLinux #RockyLinux #kenthompson #dennisritchie #briankernighan #linustorvalds #linus
Former #Linus #Media #Group #Employee #Exposes #Horrible #Work #Conditions
Alt. link.:
I most #sincerely hope that all #companies which #participate in such a #disgusting #demeanor / #pracitices #receive what they #deserve
#fiatjustitiapereatmundus #deserve #receive #pracitices #demeanor #disgusting #participate #companies #Sincerely #conditions #work #horrible #exposes #employee #group #media #linus
#Linus went from “We won’t talk about it in WAN show” to a full 20+min apology video.
Terren didn’t feel honest to me. It looked as if he’s reading stuff out loud from a page which he’s seeing for the first time.
An apology video filled with jokes, sponsors and upcoming merch ads😒
Btw. Madisson tweeted her experience working at #LMG and it is painful. No wonder NDA was signed.
I mean sexual harassment 😵 Holy shit!
#linus #lmg #youtube #gamersnexus #controversy
The most fun thing that I‘ve seen this week
#linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #youtube
#linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #youtube
i really don't care about the #linus tech whatever stuff but he really basically said ...my employees don't need a union, if they have a problem with me they can just talk to my wife...
Qui est Linus Torvalds, l’inventeur de Linux ? Quel a été son parcours ?
La tempête de 💩 qui s’abat sur #LTT et #Linus est mérité. Au delà des nombreuses anomalies relevées par #GamersNexus, Le témoignage de Madison (@suuuoppp@twitter.com) fait particulièrement froid dans le dos. Mépris, manipulation, misogynie, harcèlement sexuel, charge de travail absurde, sabotage et micro management... Leur stratégie c'est de produire toujours plus au mépris de la dignité et de la santé des employés et ce n'est pas leur petite vidéo "What do we do now?" qui va me convaincre du contraire.
I saw the videos about working conditions at #LinusMediaGroup. I do not care. If you do please block me, I don't want your cancel-drama.
#linus #LMG #ltt #linusmediagroup
Kotaku: Popular YouTube Channel Linus Tech Tips Taking Break Following Massive Controversy https://kotaku.com/linus-tech-tips-gamers-break-nexus-youtube-pc-gaming-1850743611 #gaming #tech #kotaku #technologyinternet #linusmediagroup #lukelafreniere #linussebastian #linustechtips #corsairgaming #madisonreeve #terrentong #techtips #yvonneho #linus #gamer #see
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technologyinternet #linusmediagroup #lukelafreniere #linussebastian #linustechtips #corsairgaming #madisonreeve #terrentong #techtips #yvonneho #linus #gamer #see
Qui est Linus Torvalds, l’inventeur de Linux ? Quel a été son parcours ?
Linus Torvalds est un nom bien connu dans le monde de l’informatique.
Linus naît le 28 décembre 1969 à Helsinki, en Finlande, il découvre l’informatique très jeune, son intérêt pour la programmation remonte à ses 10 ans avec un Commodore VIC-20.#Linus Torvalds https://lsdm.live/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4334
#Italia #UltimeNotizie #DeejayTen #linus #Napoli Continua il viaggio nell’Italia della ‘Deejay Ten’: prossime tappe Napoli e Milano https://www.cronachedellacampania.it/2023/07/continua-il-viaggio-nellitalia-della-deejay-ten-prossime-tappe-napoli-e-milano/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#italia #Ultimenotizie #deejayten #linus #napoli