Wil eigenlijk een paar dingen van LTTstore.com bestellen. Maar zie nu tijdens de WAN show dat er nog best wel leuke dingen aan komen..... wacht ik af of bestel ik... #LTT #Shopping #Merch #LinusTechTips #LTTstorr
#lttstorr #linustechtips #merch #shopping #ltt
Personally, I do like the fact that #ServeTheHome isn't just doing #HardwarePorn like #LinusTechTips but also looking at more affordable and reasonable options.
#ReUse & #UseLonger are not only cheaper but also more envoirmentally friendly, and from my personal experience, getting some relatively-new #ThinClient that may even be #fanless is a cheao, easy and useful starting point for a #MiniServer...
#miniserver #fanless #thinclient #uselonger #reuse #linustechtips #hardwareporn #servethehome
#ПавелАстапов делится с нами *не*весёлыми новостями (как необычно). Его канал на #ЮТуб был взломан и на его место встал пресловутый #Tesla хак. :blobcathyperthinking:
Ранее такой инцидент можно было наблюдать с каналом #LinusTechTips: будучи захваченным, канал переобувается в #TeslaOfficial и запускает фейковую прямую трансляцию с Илоном Маском с поддельным активом.
Однако, пока с LTT уже разобрались и провели проверки, у Павла случай довольно странный. На его #Google аккаунте произошёл вход со сменой пароля, о чём он был оповещён через push-уведомление, но то самое окно с подтверждением/блокировкой действия у него быренько пропало. Более того, он утверждает, что #ДвухфакторнаяАутентификация #2FA у него на тот момент уже стояла.
Павел не может ничего сделать с этим аккаунтом, кроме как через техподдержку. Ждём ещё новостей, @rf :blobcatthisisfinegoogly:
#павеластапов #ютуб #tesla #linustechtips #teslaofficial #google #двухфакторнаяаутентификация #2fa
The first video from LTT since the crisis has just aired. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZXrJRpA0Jw
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
How appropriate for lessons learned week for #blaugust2023 and wrapping up my thoughts on the Linus Tech Tips drama.
#blaugust2023 #blaugust #ltt #linustechtips
Alright, so I watched the new #LinusTechTips video. Seems like they've got at least some idea of how to keep themselves from doing StupidShit™ in public and they understand that sometimes a video needs to be delayed.
No comment about the Madison allegations but given the way the community reacts to shit I'm pretty sure saying anything in public would wind up creating further harassment for everyone involved.
And we have a new video from Linus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAE5KoyFEUo
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp
Considering unsubscribing from all #LinusMediaGroup #LinusTechTips stuff. #Ethics are important
#linusmediagroup #linustechtips #ethics
Das #Drama um #LinusTechTips wird wohl wie befürchtet im Winde verwehen. So etwas müsste eigentlich einen deutlicheren Impakt als 200.000 Abonnent:innen haben.
It didn't take much of digging around...
#ltt #linustechtips #sexualharassment #lawsuit
#ltt #linustechtips #sexualharassment #lawsuit #channelsuperfun
The biggest thing that gets me about this #LinusMediaGroup thing is how bad must the working conditions be where someone felt they needed to record an HR meeting the day after Madison left. Seriously. The person who recorded this meeting must have known SOMETHING about Madison and her situation, or was experiencing the same.
In all my years of working for companies big and small, I have never felt the need to secretly record any meeting, let alone an HR meeting.
You know what else I haven't felt the need to do? Tell an inappropriate joke after an HR meeting.
#linusmediagroup #ltt #lmg #Madison #linustechtips
'It'd of been for the best if JayZTwoCents didn't comment at all about the former #LinusTechTips employee than going on about how his great wife works with survivors and innocent until proven guilty in the latest episode of the RTFM Podcast show.
Linus Tech Tips: Landunter bei einem der größten Tech-Youtuber
Erst wurde die Gewissenhaftigkeit bei Linus Tech Tips hinterfragt. Mittlerweile breitet sich der Fall LTT zu einem Lauffeuer aus.
#verpasstodon #hardware #linustechtips #youtube
You know when people say "this aged like (fine) wine" of something ageing (very) well and "this* aged like milk" when it ages badly?
(* often women, or things related to women, oddly enough**)
(** not oddly at all, it's just the same old misogyny as always)
I'm here to explain that wine ages to vinegar. In other words: it spoils.
Sure, vinegar indeed has its uses, but a salad, however nice, is quite far from a lovely glass of the good old red stuff, right? Right?
Milk, on the other hand ages to cheese. And cheese is lovely. Lovely! Cheese represents the good things in life! (And it goes great with something that hasn't spoiled to vinegar. Get it?)
Now. Let me show you something that spoiled like wine.
Do the kids still say "Big oof!" or am I just booming?
#linustechtips #ltt #agelikewine #bigoof
Well, I can't say I'm too surprised. 200,000 subscribers upped and left in just a few days.
*anticipating the next #LinusTechTips upload*
#YouTube Channel #LinusTechTips’ Inaccuracies And Sexual Harassment Allegations, Explained