Steve R · @octoshed
11 followers · 53 posts · Server

Main website of the Calf Studio Plugins.

I've been using the Calf Plugins for years but recently was really impressed by the Calf Limiter when mastering a track recently. I was using it to basically try get that loudness that is typically expected (in my opinion) on platforms like Soundcloud etc.

#calf #linux #audio #audacity #linuxaudio #calfplugins #soundcloud #linuxAudioProduction

Last updated 1 year ago

Herr Irrtum! · @Herr_Irrtum
165 followers · 2072 posts · Server

Last time I checked it wasn't possible.
Right now I am in the highly complicated process of making dinner, but afterwards have to add some super evil special FX to a large audio file but maybe afterwards I can just check the answers and relax - that's the stupid idea here 🙂

So now that Audacity 3.x (and its forks) are out:

Can I finally automate a cutoff filter (or whatever parameter of whatever effect) over time or does this still only work for volume and balance?

If not it's back to my 1337 pirate copy of CoolEdit2000... Nooo seriously, which Audioeditor would you use for the task instead? On Linux?
I'm thinking Reaper but I should only need an audio editor not a DAW for this, right?!

#AudaCity #linuxAudioProduction #LinuxAudio

Last updated 2 years ago