The free software association in Turkey is organizing an online event on #FLOSS on May 16-17. The call for paper is up.
#ozgurkon #foss #linuxartists #artwithopensource #floss
#photography / #artwithOpenSource
#editbacklog Note to self: attempting to stack a rainbow is probably not worth the effort.
It was a cool phenomenon, but probably not the best thing to attempt on a cellphone camera, in retrospect.
#Istanbul #Turkey 2017. a stack of 8 images.
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntuStudio
#mastoArt #creativeToots #linuxartists #photographie #photo #rainbow #sunset
#sunset #rainbow #photo #photographie #linuxartists #CreativeToots #MastoArt #ubuntustudio #darktable #turkey #istanbul #editbacklog #artwithopensource #photography
#photography / #astrophotography
These photos with Samyang 50mm F1.2. I think this was at maximum aperture and 15 second exposure. It looks more like cotton candy than milky way after edit.
Just playing around with some #editbacklog photos to warm up
#photographie #CreativeToots #MastoArt #photo #linuxartists #artwithopensource #editbacklog #astrophotography #photography
Sometimes you need to take a photograph out of its context to see the form and pattern.
Wave forms of... well... waves.
A detour from a very different project I am working on using these raw photographs (I think)
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntuStudio
#artWithOpenSource #linuxArtists #photography #photo #abstractPhotography #photographie #mastoArt #creativeToots
#CreativeToots #MastoArt #photographie #abstractphotography #photo #photography #linuxartists #artwithopensource #ubuntustudio #darktable #editbacklog
Playing with the new retouch module of #darktable.
this is from #Iceland back in 2017
made in #ubuntustudio
#artWithOpenSource #linuxArtists #photo #photography #photographie #mastoArt #creativeToots
#CreativeToots #MastoArt #photographie #photography #photo #linuxartists #artwithopensource #ubuntustudio #iceland #darktable #editbacklog
happy #caturday!
This was a case of rescuing a failed image.
Edited in #Darktable using #ubuntustudio
Also, this time you can also play with the raw file over at forum. :)
#ArtWithOpenSource #linuxArtists (technically #editBacklog)
#photography #photographie #cat #catsOfMastodon #photo #creativeToots #mastoArt
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #photo #CatsOfMastodon #cat #photographie #photography #editbacklog #linuxartists #artwithopensource #ubuntustudio #darktable #caturday
I really need to stop watching space documentaries before sleep. It doesn't end well...
edited using #darktable in #ubuntustudio
#ArtWithOpenSource #linuxArtists #photo #photography #photographie
#photographie #photography #photo #linuxartists #artwithopensource #ubuntustudio #darktable #editbacklog
between everything else I managed to not post a new #editbacklog in over a month.
(Inktober is also still happening, I have a backlog of like 10 drawings)
2018, Istanbul #Turkey
Just your average sunset.
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntuStudio
#ArtWithOpenSource #linuxArtists
#mastoart #creativetoots #photography #photo
#editbacklog #turkey #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #MastoArt #CreativeToots #photography #photo
from the cellphone #photography backlog side of #editbacklog
2015. Datca #Turkey
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntuStudio
#artwithopensource #linuxartists #mastoart #photo #macro #creativetoots
#photography #editbacklog #turkey #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #MastoArt #photo #macro #CreativeToots
another #infrared #photo of the same tree.
2018. Datca #Turkey
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntuStudio
#artWithOpenSource #linuxArtists #photography #photographie #creativetoots #mastoart
#editbacklog #infrared #photo #turkey #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #photography #photographie #CreativeToots #MastoArt
#infrared #photography breaks the illusion that a #photo is a documentation of reality.
Colors that are split and reorganized carefully, forced long exposure breaking the assumption of a moment. A representation of the reality: not that different from a classical painting.
All photographs are like this actually, but infrared photography makes it more explicit.
Datca, #Turkey.
Edited using #Darktable in #UbuntuStudio
#editbacklog #infrared #photography #photo #turkey #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #CreativeToots #MastoArt
#editbacklog I have been, for years now, trying to photograph the color of the mediterranean sea, in bright afternoon sun. Its a brilliant tone and unique and for some reason very VERY hard to translate into the photograph.
I think I got closer this time?
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntustudio
#editbacklog #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #photography #photo #MastoArt #CreativeToots
#introductions / #introductions / #reintroductions
I am one of the #LinuxArtists who does #artwithopensource
#photography , #abstractart , #codeart are my materials of choice.
#introductions #reintroductions #linuxartists #artwithopensource #photography #abstractart #codeart #linux #floss #foss
#editbacklog in between spending way too much time here, and avoiding the noon sun, I did manage to do some #photography today
2018. #Datca, #Turkey.
Just a composition exploration shot before I got out the infrared filter and tripod. (those will be edited when I get home to my work station - I can't see colors on my travel laptop screen. This was edited by looking at the histogram)
#artwithopensource / #linuxartists
edited using #darktable in #ubuntustudio
#photography #datca #editbacklog #turkey #artwithopensource #linuxartists #darktable #ubuntustudio #CreativeToots #MastoArt #photo
Its the second day of my seaside vacation and I ran out of SD card space.
But how you say?
(this was taken from my cellphone "attached" to my camera to demonstrate to two children that you can photography milkyway with a cellphone)
#artwithopensource (edited in #Darktable / #ubuntustudio) #linuxartists #work_in_progress #mastoart #photography #astrophotography #milkyway
#artwithopensource #darktable #ubuntustudio #linuxartists #work_in_progress #MastoArt #photography #astrophotography #milkyway
#editbacklog For the longest time I didn't consider myself a photographer but an artist that uses photography as one of her primary materials, because sometimes the way I use photography disregards most basic rules of the medium.
Shadow of a tree. 2017, Datca, #Turkey
Edited using #Darktable in #UbuntuStudio
#ArtWithOpenSource #LinuxArtists #MastoArt #AbstractPhotography #photo #photography #CreativeToots
#editbacklog #turkey #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #MastoArt #abstractphotography #photo #photography #CreativeToots
#lunareclipse2018 as the moon just begins to move out of shadow.
This image is actually a stack of 10 images, that's what it took to get to this level zoom from the 135mm lens on crop sensor raws.
edited using #hugin #imagemagick and #darktable in #ubuntustudio
#artwithopensource #linuxartists
#lunareclipse #eclipse #photo #photography #astrophotography #creativetoots #mastoart
#lunareclipse2018 #hugin #imagemagick #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #lunareclipse #eclipse #photo #photography #astrophotography #CreativeToots #MastoArt
#editbacklog - the "not much of a backlog and more straight from the oven" edition.
...because #Istanbul is having an acute case of a clear sky by some miracle.
Sony a6000, Samyang 135mm F.2.0 Istanbul #Turkey
Obviously a very detail crop.
Edited using #Darktable in #ubuntustudio
#artwithopensource #linuxartists #photo #photography #creativetoots #mastoart #moon #bloodmoon #lunareclipse #lunareclipse2018
#editbacklog #istanbul #turkey #darktable #ubuntustudio #artwithopensource #linuxartists #photo #photography #CreativeToots #MastoArt #moon #bloodmoon #lunareclipse #lunareclipse2018
#humanalgorithms ...and done.
This took a lot longer than a drawing this size had any business taking, but it came out better than I expected it to be.
#mastoart #artistsofmastodon #abstractart #creativetoots
and #linuxartists and #artwithopensource as this was edited in in #darktable as usual.
#humanalgorithms #MastoArt #artistsofmastodon #abstractart #CreativeToots #linuxartists #artwithopensource #darktable