Organiser @saera answers the question "why #EverythingOpen?" - it invites more diverse people, more diverse fields, more diverse attendees together - creating more paths, more opportunities for connections and more opportunities to connect.
A third of attendees have never been to #linuxconfau before!
The phones are ALMOST alive at #EverythingOpen! These are the old phone numbers from #linuxconfau 2020 on the Gold Coast. "Honest" Rob's Used Car (and VoIP) Emporium has assigned a new number which will be on the website soon.
Today's event is focused on #OpenHardware - folks who have the #linuxconfau #lca2022 #OHMC #SwagBadge #Rockling #FPGA invited to #HackMelbourne , 5 Kent Street, Hawthorn.
Take a Metro train - fr Southern Cross or Flinders to Glenferrie Stn - Alamein, Belgrave or Lilydale lines.
#openhardware #linuxconfau #lca2022 #ohmc #SwagBadge #rockling #fpga #hackmelbourne
Did you love #linuxconfau? Then you're going to love #EverythingOpen - another excellent #conference from #LinuxAustralia.
#EverythingOpen brings together folx in the #GLAM, #OpenSource, #OpenHardware, #OpenData, #OpenCulture and related communities to share knowledge, exchange ideas and collaborate.
What you might not know is that #EverythingOpen, like other events in the Linux Australia stable - #PyConAu, #DrupalSouth, #WordCamp -
- is #volunteer-run.
This means that tickets are much more affordable than commercial or for-profit events - when was the last time you attended a 3-day #conference for around $100 per day (Hobbyist rate)?! That low cost is subsidised by the hundreds - thousands - of volunteer hours that go into the conference. To the team - thank you. You are appreciated.
Everything Open is on at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in beautiful #Naarm #Melbourne March 14th-16th.
#linuxconfau #everythingopen #conference #linuxaustralia #glam #opensource #openhardware #opendata #openculture #pyconau #drupalsouth #wordcamp #volunteer #naarm #melbourne
Twelve years ago @vk5qi and I posed for this print signed by Geoff Huston, Vint Cerf, Eric Allman and Linus Torvalds.
The print and the Tux toy was auctioned to raise money for rebuilding from the Brisbane floods, and was won by OzLabs.
I started at OzLabs a few years later and saw Tux again, which is still in the office today.
Folks, there's only one more day to submit to the #EverythingOpen #conference, which will be held in #Melbourne #Naarm in March.
If you liked #linuxconfau or #LCA2020 then you're going to love #EverythingOpen
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In particular, we'd love to have #CfP proposals from topic areas such as #GLAM #GLAMR #OpenData #OpenGov #GovHack, #OpenAcces, #OER and #Education.
Boosts warmly welcomed!
#everythingopen #conference #melbourne #naarm #linuxconfau #lca2020 #cfp #glam #glamr #opendata #opengov #govhack #openacces #oer #education
I just submitted this talk proposal to
Open, agile, hybrid, and distributed
We live in revolutionary times.
When we started, our tools were playthings, hobbies. Fun.
Now they power our planet.
Open, agile, hybrid, and distributed ways of working, ways of thinking, and organising human collective endeavour have literally changed everything.
But not everything is open, and not all change is good.
Let's examine some of these threads.
Let's explore where, and how they intertwine, so we might continue to pursue positive, open, and inclusive change.
I agree that it takes a lot of effort to organise an event.
And thank you for running previous #linuxconfau and now going forward with #EverythingOpen. Your advocacy is super important to the continued existence of #OpenScience in #Australia.
#linuxconfau #everythingopen #openscience #australia
I'm really disappointed in the backlash against #EverythingOpen, and more importantly, the volunteers giving up their valuable time and energy to deliver it.
Sure, everyone loved #linuxconfau - but it was a 5-day, 5-track conference that cost close to $AUD 1m to deliver, and took a team of 5-10 several hours of time over 12-18 months to manage. #EverythingOpen is smaller, more manageable, and less onerous on the organising team.
If you don't like it, propose your own #linuxconfau but be sure you know how much it takes. I know, I've done it twice.
I don't remember which open source conference it was (#linuxconfau or OSDC), except being in Auckland, but I certainly remember the touching video and the positive attitude of the young women with #cysticfibrosis despite such incredible hardship.
It is too many years later, but it really brought a tear to my eye to read that the critical drug suffers need to live a much more normal life is finally to be funded here in NZ by #pharmac
#linuxconfau #cysticfibrosis #pharmac
Folx, it's time for my nightly #introduction and #connection #connectionlist post - to help you find people to follow in the Fediverse. This is a deliberate action to use my large-ish following for good - #MetcalfesLaw
@patrick is a wonderful human being, and I am incredibly grateful to him for his invaluable behind-the-scenes work at many a #linuxconfau and #pyconau. Thank you, Patrick!
@yaakov works in #infosec and #cybersecurity and thinks the COVIDSafe app was very well designed lol jk jk π Yaakov is patient, kind, and knowledgeable.
@rjones is an avid #Python #Pythonista and enjoys #cycling and #Kerbal and other #gaming things.
@minxdragon is an #AI #artist who is completing their #PhD in generative art. Incredible mind, beautiful soul.
@MommaRose is a #writer, #historian and #digital strategist in #California, and researches #gardening and its intersection with #politics.
@Unixbigot is a fabulous presenter, and he knows lots about all things #IoT. Top bloke.
@M0les is in #CBR #Canberra where he does things related to #linux, and runs in his "spare time" (also lol a joke ;-). Another Top bloke.
#introduction #connection #connectionlist #metcalfeslaw #linuxconfau #pyconau #infosec #cybersecurity #python #pythonista #cycling #kerbal #gaming #ai #artist #phd #writer #historian #digital #california #gardening #politics #iot #cbr #canberra #linux
@FLOX_advocate looks like #FOSSAsia is optimizing so people can attend across both Europe and Asia, while #LinuxConfAU optimized for Asia and the Americas. I do miss it so was hoping to attend, but oh well.
RE: The comment about a priority list is now without merit, I have toyed with the idea of a βcrewβ or βclanβ ala gaming, but there is some thing from memory in the foi guidelines about treating group requests as one. Hence we should inspire you all to do requests for max chaos
The video for my #lca2022 talk "How To Annoy The Government With FOI Requests" is back up after being re-encoded: #linuxconfau
Please share and enjoy.
Super cool @debian #packaging #automation talk by at #LinuxConfAU !
#flossconference #flossconf #linuxconfau #automation #packaging
It seems that #LinuxConfAU is not that well announced in many #Linux #podcast series, and @returntrip and I were wondering if it's because most #podcasts are US based.
That begs the question though, are there #Australian Linux / #FOSS / #FLOSS podcasts out there? And how to find them, or indeed podcasts based in other countries? A cursory search doesn't find such, or a useful listing, so hoping #AskFediverse will come to the rescue
#AskFediverse #FLOSS #FOSS #australian #podcasts #podcast #Linux #linuxconfau
Iβm ready for #linuxconfau - Iβll be doing AV for the Yuma Theatre stage (thatβs the kernel mini conf today).
Had to go out to get coffee beans this morning, so I had my first barista-made coffee since before the holidays, and I broke out my well-loved LCA 2019 cup in honour of LCA this weekend (and my last overseas trip). #linuxconfau
Tackling the Monopoly Problem
There was a time when people who were exploring computational technology saw it as the path toward decentralization and freedom worldwide. What we have ended up with, instead, is a world that is increasingly centralized, subject to surveillance, and unfree. How did that come to be? In a keynote at the online 2021 event, Cory Doctorow gave his view of this problem and named its source: monopoly.
HN discussion:
Note that this is a shared link created by an LWN subscriber. Please consider subscribing to LWN if you value its content and can afford to do so. The site has served the Linux and Free Software community excellently for decades.
#CoryDoctorow #Pluralistic #Monopoly #Decentralisation #Centralisation #Surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #SurveillanceState #LinuxConfAU #LWN
#corydoctorow #Pluralistic #monopoly #decentralisation #centralisation #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #surveillancestate #linuxconfau #lwn
Dear twitterati, please tweet me some pix of cameras you encounter in daily life. CCTV, road "Safety" cameras, at ATMs, your laptop cam, phone cams, tourists taking pics, anything.
+ plz give me permission to use your pic.