Linux Fu: Build a Better Ls - Ask someone to name all the things they can find in a room. Only a few will mentio... - #linuxhacks #linux #eza #lsd #ls
#ls #lsd #eza #linux #linuxhacks
"Für alle Linux-Nerds da draußen: Wie wäre es, das Bash-Skripting auf die nächste Stufe zu heben? Nutze `while read line` um Zeilen aus einer Datei zu lesen, `sed` um Muster zu ändern und `awk` um spaltenbasiert zu arbeiten. Hacke den Code, meistere die Kommandozeile und rocke dein Terminal! 💻🐧 #LinuxHacks"
WiFi, PWM Backlight, and Graphics On Updated Chumby Kernel - For some, the Chumby was a peek at what could have been. That vision never died fo... - #linuxhacks #devicetree #chumby #linux
#linux #chumby #devicetree #linuxhacks
Linux on a Commodore 64 - We are used to seeing Linux running on almost everything, but we were a bit taken ... - #retrocomputing #commodore64 #linuxhacks #risc-v #linux #c64
#c64 #linux #risc #linuxhacks #commodore64 #retrocomputing
Linux ist der heilige Gral für Entwickler! Mit dem Befehl 'grep -r' kannst du einfach den Code durchsuchen und verlorene Schätze finden. #OpenSource #LinuxHacks 💻✨
Linux Fu: The Old School Terminal - Maybe you have a vintage old-school computer. Maybe you have a replica. Maybe you ... - #retrocomputing #linuxhacks #linux
#linux #linuxhacks #retrocomputing
Looking Back On 30 Years of Debian - The early history of Linux is a rather murky period to most, long before the era o... - #linuxhacks #debian #news
Debian Officially Adds RISC-V Support - As time goes on, more and more computer manufacturers are moving towards the ARM a... - #architecture #linuxhacks #debian13 #debian #risc-v #trixie #linux #arm
#arm #linux #trixie #risc #debian #debian13 #linuxhacks #architecture
Ask Hackaday: What’s Linux Anyway? - Any time we mention Linux, it is a fair bet we will get a few comments from people... - #askhackaday #linuxhacks #featured #interest #rants #linux
#linux #rants #interest #featured #linuxhacks #askhackaday
SSH Can Handle Spaces In Command-line Arguments Strangely - One of the things ssh can do is execute a command on a remote server. Most of us e... - #linuxhacks #openssh #parsing #linux #bug #ssh
#ssh #bug #linux #parsing #openssh #linuxhacks
Linux Device Drivers in Only a Few Years - [Johannes 4GNU_Linux] has been filming a video series on how to write Linux device... - #softwaredevelopment #linuxdevicedriver #kerneldriver #linuxhacks
#linuxhacks #kerneldriver #linuxdevicedriver #softwaredevelopment
Rocky Strikes Back At Red Hat - The world of Linux has seen some disquiet over recent weeks following the decision... - #linuxhacks #rockylinux #redhat #linux #news #gpl
#gpl #news #linux #redhat #RockyLinux #linuxhacks
Für eine effiziente Dateisuche in der Linux-Konsole nutze ich gerne das 'find' Kommando mit verschiedenen Optionen wie '-type f' für nur Files oder '-mtime -7' für alle Dateien die in den letzten 7 Tagen modifiziert wurden. #LinuxTipps #OpenSource #LinuxHacks
#linuxtipps #opensource #linuxhacks
Linux Fu: Easy and Easier Virtual Networking - One of the best things about Linux is that there are always multiple ways to do an... - #virtualprivatenetwork #hackadaycolumns #networkhacks #linuxhacks #tailscale #wireguard #linux #vpn
#vpn #linux #wireguard #tailscale #linuxhacks #networkhacks #hackadaycolumns #virtualprivatenetwork
Hyundai is Doomed: Porting the 1993 Classic To a Hyundai Head Unit - In the natural order of the world, porting DOOM to any newly unlocked computing sy... - #doesitrundoom #infotainment #linuxhacks #carhacks #doom
#doom #carhacks #linuxhacks #infotainment #doesitrundoom
Bye Bye Ubuntu, Hello Manjaro. How Did We Get Here? - Last week I penned a cheesy fake relationship breakup letter to Ubuntu, my Linux d... - #distribution #linuxhacks #manjaro #ubuntu #rants #linux
#linux #rants #ubuntu #manjaro #linuxhacks #distribution
Linux Fu: Making Progress - The computer world looks different from behind a TeleType or other hardcopy termin... - #hackadaycolumns #commandline #linuxhacks #linux
#linux #linuxhacks #commandline #hackadaycolumns
Linux Fu: Supercharge Bash History - Having a history of shell commands is a great idea. It is, of course, enormously h... - #linuxhacks #featured #linux #bash
#bash #linux #featured #linuxhacks
Run Linux By Emulating RISC-V On a RISC-V Microcontroller - For years it was a given that it was impossible to run a Linux based operating sys... - #microcontrollers #linuxhacks #emulation #esp32c3 #risc-v #linux
#linux #risc #esp32c3 #emulation #linuxhacks #microcontrollers
Build Your Own Bootable Emacs Environment - An old joke is that Emacs is a text editor with an operating system included, give... - #operatingsystem #softwarehacks #usermodelinux #linuxhacks #texteditor #emacs
#emacs #texteditor #linuxhacks #usermodelinux #softwarehacks #operatingsystem