@nixCraft I'm old enough that people just need to look at me, no need to 'fly colours'. 😃
But if I did, I guess this 25+ YO one would be the appropriate choice. 😂
AxisOfEasy Salon #30: Doc Searls on “That Weird House of Cards Feeling around Everything”
#AndrewMcLuhan #AugustineTaylor #AxisOfEasy #AxisOfEasy #CharlesHughSmith #CluetrainManifesto #CustomerCommons #DocSearls #EricMcLuhan #EricRaymond #GeorgeLakoff #JesseHirsh #LinuxJournal #MarkE.Jeftovic #MarshalMcLuhan #ProjectVRM #TimHwang
#timhwang #projectvrm #marshalmcluhan #marke #linuxjournal #jessehirsh #georgelakoff #ericraymond #ericmcluhan #docsearls #customercommons #cluetrainmanifesto #charleshughsmith #axisofeasy #augustinetaylor #andrewmcluhan
Linux Journal is back!
#LinuxJournal #Linux
"We're looking for people to cover Linux news, create Linux guides, and moderate the community and comments. We'd also appreciate any other ideas or feedback you might have. Right now, we don't have any immediate plans to resurrect the subscription/issue model, and will be publishing exclusively on LinuxJournal.com free of charge. "
#linux #linuxjournal #community #floss
#linux #linuxjournal #community #floss
Thank you very much to @linuxjournal for featuring us on the September 2018 issue of their magazine!. Very much appreciated.
Linux Journal is a fantastic magazine. Great articles and feature stories, loved the content and the format. If you'd like to support this amazing publication head over to their Patreon page here https://www.patreon.com/linuxjournal and show them your support!.
#nitrux #linux #plasma #appimage #linuxjournal #magazine
this is copy pasted from #linuxjournal Twitter. I take no credit for the contents, I just want to increase the visibility of this post.
"Eric Raymond has started a new project after ranting about the state of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) market, as The Register reports. The Upside project is hosted on GitLab, https://gitlab.com/esr/upside . ESR's original rant can be found here, http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=7839 ."