@frankiesaxx I have also used vanilla #Debian after #Ubuntu many years ago, i also like many Debian fans checked out #LinuxMint. For me i was the biggest fan of #LMDE
(#LinuxMIntDebianEdition) which is Mint based on Debian vs the main distro of theirs which uses Ubuntu as its base.
I now use #KDENeon as a second option in my #DualBoot because my focus there is #KDE #KDEPlasma #KDEFrameworks and the latest updates KDE releases. I'm a big KDE fan and #UbuntuLTS just works well for that.
#debian #ubuntu #linuxmint #LMDE #linuxmintdebianedition #kdeneon #dualboot #kde #kdeplasma #KDEFrameworks #ubuntults