I am wondering if any of the #Linux musicians here use #Qtractor. I've been playing around with it lately (I normally use #Reaper) and am impressed. It is not as robust of a #DAW as #Reaper or #Ardour, but it is easy to work with and has some nice things going for it. The MIDI editor is a little wonky, but other than that I found it to be quick and easy. Thoughts?
#linux #qtractor #reaper #daw #ardour #linuxmusicans #linuxmusic
Hello Linux Music Makers :D
falkTX is one of the best active developer making the KXStudio tools and more, he recently stared a patreon page.
Consider becoming a patreon, I think its important to know about him and support him if we like to see more development on Linux.
#kxstudio #linuxmusicans #linuxmao