@futureowl yes! I've got a like of old thingies* i should really throw out but I've been fantasizing about trying to run Blender or Audacity on a distro like freeBSD or gentoo or whatever. BUT. That's all the Linux words i know. So I'll need suuuper simple step by step. So if you do it, and talk about it, then the rest of us can (try) to follow along! :blobfoxcofeowo. :BlobCatGoogly:
(*mac 512, mac 2se, early imac, several ancient windows towers...)
A better interests post:
#Adoptee #Queer #Climate #Trees #Solidarity #GIS #Economics #StarTrek #Stargate #DoctorWho #Futurama #GhostFiles #Skyrim #MassEffect #ADHD #AuDHD #FOSS #LinuxNewb #LinuxNewbie #CovidIsNotOver #DisabilityAlly
I'll add any more here as I think of them. Hope I don't end up alienating any new friends already!
#adoptee #queer #climate #trees #solidarity #gis #economics #startrek #stargate #doctorwho #futurama #ghostfiles #skyrim #MassEffect #adhd #AuDHD #foss #linuxnewb #linuxnewbie #CovidIsNotOver #disabilityally