We have cleaners that come by regularly and they have subtle ways of letting me know they think I'm spying on them by unplugging my admittedly creepy raspberry pi's I have around the house
#linuxproblems #voidlinux #amialone
...learned the hard way again that $sudo podman volume create != $podman volume create
#wastedtime #linuxproblems #silverblue
Spent most of the day messing with my security cams/NVR. Still trying to figure out how to view the NVR stream, since the 4way DVI switch I bought got wrecked in shipping. It didn't matter, I also got a long HDMI->DVI cable and the NVR/monitors can't talk to each other. So hard wire is out. Been looking at other systems but most of them use the same app. Maybe the only difference would be those system's cams I could pull the URLs for ZoneMinder, but IDK. *shrug* #LinuxProblems #Garuda
Hours and hours trying to solve why #Firefox on #EndeavourOS is not giving me my correct geolocation and it seems that the problem lies with the Mozilla Location Service. Damn.
#Linux #linuxproblems #endeavouros #FireFox
Hours and hours trying to solve why #Firefox on #EndeavourOS is not giving me my correct geolocation and it seems that the problem lies with the Mozilla Location Service. Damn.
#Linux #linuxproblems #endeavouros #FireFox
Thanks to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=202022 #TIL that #CUPS pauses a #printer over a failed job.
Head to http://localhost:631/printers/ to manually resume via maintenance drop-down.
#til #cups #printer #linuxproblems
@Greg I hear ya on this. I use Elementary OS so I try to stay within their Appstore and Flatpak as much as I can.
It's a thing though....