Course announcement:
Need to use more computer power, but this "#linux #shell" thing holding you back? Come learn the basics of being comfortable with a #LinuxShell for basic science and data management (#bash actually, but applies to other things like #OsX and #WSL. Course is hosted for #finland, but we welcome others, too.
Online, Next week, 29-31 August (T-Th), EU afternoons:
#HPC #RSEng #SciComp #course
#linux #shell #linuxshell #bash #osx #wsl #finland #hpc #rseng #scicomp #course
If you're a #linux user there are commands you know and commands you use. There is a world where someone thought "I can make that command better" so there are a lot of well-written enhanced versions out there.
These are a few enhanced alternatives to linux commands you might be interested in
#linux #cli #bash #ubuntu #chromebook #linuxshell
Can I somehow add kind of placeholders in aliases? Lets say I create something like:
alias un=uname -$1
After that I would then call the alias somehow:
un $1=a
You understand what I mean and is that possible? 😊
#linuxshell #linuxmint #alias #followerpower
#linuxshell #linuxmint #alias #followerpower