Can anyone tell me about a working Linux application to browse my photos via a map?
I've tried DigiKam, and I can't get it to work (nothing happens when I click the tiny photo thumbnails). Any other application?
Thanks! #Linux #LinuxApps #LinuxTips #photography
#Linux #linuxapps #linuxtips #photography
Sometimes I want a bash script that I can run from the command line, but also in a systemd service.
But in the systemd service I want the output that goes to stdout not going to the journal, but to a logfile. For that I wrote a little titbit that I explain here:
#bash #bashshellscripting #scripting #linux #linuxtips #systemd #redirection
How To Find Linux Desktop Screen Resolution From Command Line #Linux #Screenresolution #Commandline #xrandr #xdpyinfo #desktopresolution #Displaysettings #Monitorresolution #Terminal #Linuxhowto #Linuxtips
#Linux #screenResolution #commandLine #xrandr #xdpyinfo #desktopresolution #displaysettings #monitorresolution #terminal #linuxhowto #linuxtips
I just published a short #LinuxTips video on updating #ArchLinux,
I just produced a new #LinuxTips video on setting your desktop wallpaper/background. You can find it at
Complete Guide to Install Android Studio on Linux
#AndroidStudio ##Programming #DeveloperTools #TechTutorial #AndroidDevelopment #LinuxTips #AndroidApp #ProgrammingTips #LinuxTutorials #AndroidDev #CodingCommunity
#codingcommunity #androiddev #linuxtutorials #programmingtips #androidapp #linuxtips #Androiddevelopment #TechTutorial #developertools #programming #androidstudio
GNU/Linux newbies, if you don't know why a GUI application doesn't work, launch it from the terminal. If you don't understand the error use the search engines. If you don't get info or don't understand it, ask in the GNU/Linux forums pasting the error message you read in the terminal. If you don't get help in the forums open another thread in the same forum with the title "Linux sucks". In the latter case, you will probably get the solution as well as learn new insults.
Trying to get back into some video production for both my #TechEduTips and #LinuxTips series. I create a short video about audio setup in OBS Studio in Linux (applies to other OS configurations as well).
Hello, 🌎! Sometimes, in order to learn something new you simply have to dive in and explore. I figured why not document my learning journey along the way?
Wrote my first post on my intro into Linux:
#Linux #bash #learning #programming #linuxtips #medium #opensource
#linux #bash #learning #programming #linuxtips #medium #opensource
How To Use Pbcopy And Pbpaste Commands On Linux #pbcopy #pbpaste #macos #xclip #xsel #linux #linuxcommands #linuxhowto #linuxtips
#pbcopy #pbpaste #macOS #xclip #xsel #Linux #linuxcommands #linuxhowto #linuxtips
Otra cosa que descubrí hace algunos ayeres y que me sirve mucho para monitorear servidores sobre todo donde tengo BBDD grandes es agregar la columna de I/O Rate, y ordenar los procesos por ese dato, así puedes ver rápidamente que proceso está consumiendo mas tiempo del Disco y generando cuellos de botella.
Super útil porque no he visto alguna otra tool que haga lo mismo solo conozco el dstat que te pone cuantos bytes están siendo leídos/escritos pero no que proceso.
Tantos años usando htop y apenas hoy se me ocurrió mirar en el setup si tiene para ver la temperatura y sí ! :blobmindblown:
Conquista da semana, super feliz. Falta muito para eu aprender ainda, mas um ciclo fechado, com muito aprendizado e a consciência socrática de que a única coisa que sei é que nada sei! Valeu de mais @rochacbruno
Die Verwendung von 'find' Befehl in der Kommandozeile kann effiziente Dateisuchen ermöglichen. Beispiel: 'find /pfad/zum/verzeichnis -name dateiname' findet alle Dateien mit dem angegebenen Namen. 'find' unterstützt vielfältige Optionen wie '-type f' für nur Dateien oder '-size +5M' für Dateien größer als 5 MB. #LinuxTips
Finalizei o 6o. dia do treinamento Python Web API, simplesmente animal! To pirando o cabeção aqui! Valeu de mais @rochacbruno #PYthon #fastAPI #LinuxTips
🐧 Willkommen zur Linux-Welt! Tipp des Tages: Solltest du jemals einen Invalid Passphrase Fehler bei der SSH-Anmeldung erhalten, lass mich deine Rettung sein! Starte 'ssh-agent' & füge mit 'ssh-add' deinen privaten Schlüssel hinzu! So bleibt deine Authentifizierung nahtlos und sicher. Happy Hacking! ✨ #LinuxTips
@omenos @chamomile @carlwgeorge My favorite feature is "dnf history". Being able to see what I've done and either undo or redo them again is *very* powerful!
What's the best #Linux #distro? The answer is as good as Schroedinger's cat: There is none. Install #Ventoy on your USB Drive, put every distro ISO you're interested in and find out for yourself!
Get it here:
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#linux #distro #ventoy #linuxtips #opensource
Für bessere Linux-Systemleistung: Verwende 'nice' & 'renice' Befehle, um Prioritäten von Prozessen zu ändern & Ressourcenverteilung zu optimieren. Beispiel: renice -n -5 -p 1234 setzt die Priorität des Prozesses mit der PID 1234 auf -5. #LinuxTips #OpenSource #TechHacks
#linuxtips #opensource #techhacks
Na pira por mais uma aula ao vivo no excelente curso #PythonWebAPI da #LinuxTips ministrado pelo fantástico @rochacbruno e #VamosQueVamos #Python #fastAPI #API #AprenderSempre
#pythonwebapi #linuxtips #vamosquevamos #python #fastapi #api #aprendersempre