All my Christmas lego is now built, with a couple of neat Boxing Day sale surprises in the post still to arrive.
All donations for a new display cabinet gratefully accepted.
#AFOL #TheMandalorian #HarryPotter #Lego90years #LionKnightsCastle #MedievalBlacksmith #StarWars #TheOffice #Seinfeld #Ghostbusters #BackToTheFuture #EveryoneIsAwesome
#afol #themandalorian #harrypotter #lego90years #lionknightscastle #medievalblacksmith #starwars #theoffice #seinfeld #ghostbusters #backtothefuture #everyoneisawesome
The Lion Knights Castle, released for Lego’s 90 year celebrations, is a joy to build. Really well designed with lots of hidden parts and Easter egg surprises, plus it heralds a new age of a Lego classic genre. I’m a particular fan of the working drawbridge and portcullis, as well as the hidden escape from one of the jail cells. Worth every cent/brick!
#Set10305 #LionKnightsCastle #Lego #AFOL #BirthdayChristmasPresent
#set10305 #lionknightscastle #LEGO #afol #birthdaychristmaspresent
"I just can't decide which hat to wear today." 🤔
"As long as it covers that dodgy haircut."
#Lego #LionKnightsCastle