If I'd needed cheering up today, this bit of #TV news would have done it. #Spartacus is to return with a new adventure (minus Spartacus).
If you've never watched Spartacus or it's prequel, I highly recommend you check them out.
#Starz #LionsgatePlus #StevenDeKnight #TVShows #TVSeries #Streaming #StreamingShows
#streamingshows #streaming #tvseries #tvshows #stevendeknight #lionsgateplus #starz #spartacus #tv
Bon les marketeux, va falloir stopper de chacun faire votre plateforme... Personne ne souscrira jamais à 15 services différents. #UNIVERSALPlus
#ParamountPlus #LionsgatePlus...
#universalplus #paramountplus #lionsgateplus
Ce dimanche 20 novembre sur les plateformes (#Netflix et #LionsgatePlus)
#OnceUponATimeinhollywood #DangerousLiaisons
#DangerousLiaisons #onceuponatimeinhollywood #lionsgateplus #netflix
Serienjunkies-Podcast: Lionsgate+ wird Opfer im Streaming-War #Serienbiz #SerienjunkiesPodcast #LionsgatePlus #StreamingWar
#StreamingWar #lionsgateplus #serienjunkiespodcast #serienbiz