How do #viruses exploit host cell #lipiddroplets for their replication?
Binbin Ding and coworkers show #SARSCoV2 ORF6 protein to bring lipid droplets in contact with ER and #mitochondria to alter cellular #lipid flux
#viruses #lipiddroplets #SarsCoV2 #mitochondria #lipid
Our paper "ATGL promotes prostaglandin-dependent actin remodeling by regulating substrate release from lipid droplets" was accepted with minor revisions by Development!!!! #lipiddroplets #prostaglandin #Drosophila #oogenesis #actin
#actin #lipiddroplets #prostaglandin #Drosophila #oogenesis
Thinking about lipid droplets a lot lately. So many of them here 👇 #lipiddroplets (in green) #microscopy
Are you also fascinated by #InterorganellarCommunication via #MembraneContactSites?
Check out my weekly report, summarizing the latest work on membrane contact sites.
This week’s issue entails 8 publications, addressing MCS aspects in #Autophagy, #LipidDroplets, #SuperResolutionMicroscopy and more!
This is in close collaboration with #BioMedNews, a #MachineLearning platform that pre-selects potentially interesting work for me to curate and do the final assortment.
#machinelearning #biomednews #superresolutionmicroscopy #lipiddroplets #autophagy #membranecontactsites #interorganellarcommunication