The Half Price Hut (which is no longer a hut, sadly), is a good source of random/cheap shows. Which is how mistakes are made. Katherine & Pierre are a drag duo, performing the course of a relationship with a Katy Perry soundtrack. I was clearly not the audience for this. The lassies sat beside me, on the other hand, had a fucking great time - cheering as each track started, gasping with shock at plot twists - we all appreciated their joy.
#edinburgh #fringe #festival #drag #musical #LipSynch
#edinburgh #fringe #festival #drag #musical #lipsynch
‘Freakin’ it out’: lip-syncing New Jersey judge in hot water over TikTok videos #judiciary #lipsynch #socialmedia
#judiciary #lipsynch #socialmedia
‘People thought they knew the story’: the rise and fall of Milli Vanilli #music #lipsynch #copyright #attribution
#music #lipsynch #copyright #attribution
Pretend to push buttons while using the same pre-recorded tracks for live gigs. They've been doing it for years - stoners probably don't notice 🤣
Here's an example (I've cued the two videos for you) - #Astrix at two different gigs. Identical song. Pretends to be 'making the music' punching in sounds and drops.
#lipsynch #fakedjs #astrix #music #dance #electronica #dj
Lip syncing at the Superbowl. Really, what has the world come to? #SuperBowl #Rhianna #LipSynch
Sorry Rihanna. This is Tom’s song now. #sexyasfuck #lipsynch #Umbrella.
#sexyasfuck #lipsynch #umbrella