@petaramesh je suis accro à l’ice tea. Quand lipton a diminué ses bouteilles je suis passé au ice tea d’Auchan bien moins cher et qui fait le job. Adieu #lipton
Le prix des bouteilles d'Ice Tea #Lipton n'a pas baissé.
Leur taille par contre si, considérablement. Sûrement sur un malentendu.
Si jamais je les traitais d'énormes FdP, ce serait sûrement sur un malentendu aussi.
The Onion: How To Stay Safe In Extreme Heat https://www.theonion.com/how-to-stay-safe-in-extreme-heat-1850655507 #airconditioning #homeappliances #environment #thermometer #temperature #stephenking #furpeople #dentures #cinemax #lipton
#airconditioning #homeappliances #environment #thermometer #temperature #stephenking #furpeople #dentures #cinemax #lipton
柴咲コウ – Lipton – TVCM https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1764245/celebrity/
#bodybuilding #cats #Celebrities #Celebrity #commercial #Diet #Exercise #fitness #Health #lipton #loss #models #muscle #petvideo #posing #SciFi #sneakpeak #sneakpeek #starwars #TVCM #Vlog #workout #柴咲コウ
#bodybuilding #cats #celebrities #celebrity #commercial #diet #exercise #fitness #health #lipton #loss #models #muscle #petvideo #posing #scifi #sneakpeak #sneakpeek #starwars #tvcm #vlog #workout #柴咲コウ
#JOYURI teamed up with #ChaeSooBin who is more known as an actress.
#Yellow_Circle is a commercial for #LIPTON
Would you like an ice tea?
#joyuri #chaesoobin #yellow_circle #lipton #kpop #ad #조유리 #채수빈 #립톤 #광고 #liptonxstarship #starship
Top tea firms investigate as plantation workers say they have to pick 18kg a day but still skip meals and make their children work. Some of the world’s leading tea manufacturers, including Tetley and Lipton, are examining working conditions on the plantations of its Sri Lankan suppliers, following a Guardian investigation.
Two global trade-certification schemes, Fairtrade and the Rainforest Alliance, are also conducting inquiries after it was revealed that some workers on 10 certified estates could not afford to eat and were living in squalid conditions.
#labour #tea #fairtrade #RainforestAlliance #lipton #tetley
#newvideo Todays BOOZE NEWS: Not Your Mom’s Tea, Sipping Tequila, & 50 Year Single Malt https://youtu.be/qLm9DEZb5eo #lipton #tea #tequila #agave #scotch #jackdaniels
#newvideo #lipton #tea #tequila #agave #scotch #jackdaniels
Sexueller Missbrauch auf #Teeplantagen britischer Konzerne, wie #Lipton und #Unilever https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/kenia-vorwurf-des-sexuellen-missbrauchs-auf-teeplantagen-britischer-konzerne-a-7e58a1ea-d127-434c-bcf8-1e1a83134503 #Tee #Kenia
#Teeplantagen #lipton #unilever #tee #kenia
I suppose I should add my answer on why #British people don't like (the abomination known as) #Lipton #Tea : https://www.quora.com/How-would-British-people-rate-and-review-Lipton-tea/answer/Michael-Lawrie/
リプトンから、入れっぱなのに、ずっと、おいしい。キープアンドチャージが新発売! https://t.co/CJ5IGizd33 #リプトン #Lipton #キープアンドチャージ
Ich weiss, ich weiss!! Wassereis ist kein richtiges Eis und eigentlich nur was für Kinder. Aber dieses (neue?) #Lipton Green Ice Tea ist einfach Mal genial. Im Grunde wie gefrorener grüner Eistee...hmmmm ☺️☺️☺️