Comeunity Scotland · @ComeUnityScot
110 followers · 908 posts · Server

Privatised faith isn’t publicly owned
Death of TV

I recall hearing a clip from a TV programme about the future of television.

"Linear television will die" said the commentator.

What did they mean ‘ linear television’ ? – oh tuning into a particular channel and watching a series of programmes, like BBC1 or ITV1 or if you are olde

#transformation #newchurch #liquidchurch #ekklesia #community #acts2 #lectionary

Last updated 1 year ago

Comeunity Scotland · @ComeUnityScot
109 followers · 888 posts · Server

What does a ‘good death’ mean for a church?
We might possibly engage in a discussion about what is a good death for an individual, but a church?

In Paula Gooder's book called 'Heaven', she explains that in the Hebrew tradition a good death is about 'living and living well'. Looking at Job 5:26 and Ecclesiastes 3:2 she discerns three major elements:

#reconciliation #Methodist #gooddeath #church #liquidchurch #deathcaf

Last updated 1 year ago

Comeunity Scotland · @ComeUnityScot
98 followers · 757 posts · Server

A life size Cow
Not this large though...

When people celebrate the life of a loved one, we may wish for a visible sign. We heard today of a motorbike laying next to the loved one at the Crematorium, so why not a life size cow? It was what the person had asked for.

At a recent funeral the family were invited to be with their relative,

#terramation #Methodist #hindu #death #cremation #community #aquamation #liquidchurch #deathcafe

Last updated 2 years ago

Comeunity Scotland · @ComeUnityScot
97 followers · 742 posts · Server

Can Church really be turned completely around? What might it really look like, as our perspective may be biased with 20+ years of attending our own Church. In that time we get used to the format, the delivery: should we expect a more dynamic Church today?

You know the days when a package arrives through the door. You start to unwrap it and there are multiple layers and the

#love #cross #community #church #apple #liquidchurch

Last updated 2 years ago

Comeunity Scotland · @ComeUnityScot
76 followers · 478 posts · Server

Spiritual dis-ease
When do we succumb? That slice of cake, a drink, a bet, getting into drugs or watching porn? I'm certainly not equating any of these but to eat that cake, take that first drink, place that first bet, take those drugs or click onto the porn channel or account, there's a succession of events which leads us there. It's a pathway. Like any journey we need to

#spiritual #refugees #higherbeing #god #choices #addiction #liquidchurch #lectionary

Last updated 2 years ago

Comeunity Scotland · @ComeUnityScot
66 followers · 370 posts · Server

Where do we start?
Regeneration of the Doctor

There are a lot of smaller churches. Once they stood out as pinnacles of the community. People would attend at least for those hatches, matches, and despatches (baptisms, marriages and funerals) throughout the year plus the Easter and Christmas series of services. Now, it can be very different. The recent resul

#thereisroom #regeneration #np4np #Methodist #drwho #community #liquidchurch #lectionary

Last updated 2 years ago