This is a really good piece detailing how federal and state #regulations don’t go far enough in managing #AirPollution from #LiquidNaturalGas production. These regulations rely on companies self reporting and pollutants are regulated individually, so toxic mixtures are deemed “safe” so long as any one pollutant doesn’t get out of hand.
From #LAIlluminaor via #FloodlightNews:
#regulations #airpollution #liquidnaturalgas #lailluminaor #floodlightnews
#cop27 ended on the 20th of November, this is my analysis and thoughts on the COP27 #Text.
I have very mixed feelings about #COP27 outcome, #lossanddamage funding is definitely good and is something that must be celebrated as my friend said. This is in the text due to the hard work of developing nations and those from #MAPA (most affected people and areas) and indigenous leaders on the frontlines of the #ClimateCrisis. The victory of this is the inclusion in the agenda but also the fact that a finance facility has been established.
There’s very weak language with regards to #fossilfuels, allows for the possibility of #liquidnaturalgas and #nuclear within #renewables which as we know does NOT work. Seems to be a rollback on #Glasgow
Is 1.5 still alive? No idea, it doesn’t matter. Every action does. I don’t believe COPs will ever be the ‘solution’ to the climate crisis. The real solution comes from the #actions of the #people.
“Our planet is still in the emergency room. We need to drastically reduce emissions now – and this is an issue this Cop did not address. The world still needs a giant leap on climate ambition.” - António Guterres
#cop27 #Text #lossanddamage #mapa #ClimateCrisis #fossilfuels #liquidnaturalgas #nuclear #renewables #glasgow #actions #people