@Jeremiah Did you know that all the food we see in #YoungRoyals (Swedish series on Netflix) is vegan? The head-writer #LisaAmbjörn actively promotes vegan food.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoiZ2vzOUbS/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= QX!! Tack så mycket. #EdvinRyding #OmarRudberg #LisaAmbjörn and others thanking the crowd at the QX Gay Gala Award for winning the best TV series award
#lisaambjorn #omarrudberg #edvinryding
@allthingspit It’s bittersweet I agree. But #LisaAmbjörn had this story about extreme class distinctions in her mind from the start in three parts. The fandom is hoping for a hopeful end, that it’s possible to cross classes and be happy together, but reality would dictate that August lawyers up and that #youngroyals concludes that class distinctions will always divide society. I hope she’ll bring a totally fresh perspective that we will carry with us forever.
So so happy that #YoungRoyals got it’s final season. #LisaAmbjörn can finish the story as she wished. https://youtube.com/shorts/ATdWBp22mXo?feature=share