LISA MILLAR explores Victoria's Great South West Walk this week on BACK ROADS
This is an excellent interview between #ABCbreakfast news presenter Lisa Millar and Sally McManus, ACTU president. #IRLaws.
Respectful, probing, informative.
Sally McManus, so calm and reassuring.
On fearmongering from big business and LNP Opposition?
"Lot of people got their nickers in a knot...after legislation, life will go on as normal."
#abcbreakfast #irlaws #industrialrelations #wages #sallymcmanus #lisamillar
Dear #LisaMillar
If any business can't afford to pay reasonable wages they don't deserve to exist.
#mjrowland68, #sumeyyayailanbey, #andrewprobyn, #janeenorman, #davidspeers, #lisamillar, #gregjennett, #fauziah, #auspol
#mjrowland68 #sumeyyayailanbey #andrewprobyn #janeenorman #davidspeers #lisamillar #gregjennett #fauziah #auspol