Riding The Nightmare had me galloping through the pages, It is loaded from cover to cover with delightfully dark and disturbing tales from one of the best storytellers in horror, Lisa Tuttle. My review is posted at https://wellwortharead.blogspot.com/2023/08/riding-nightmare-by-lisa-tuttle.html
#Ridingthenightmare #lisatuttle #valancourtbooks #horrorfam #promotehorror #bookreview #bookstogon #readmorehorror @bookstodon
#ridingthenightmare #lisatuttle #valancourtbooks #horrorfam #promotehorror #bookreview #bookstogon #readmorehorror
Me lo he pasado pipa con esto.
I had a great time with this :)
#literature #literatura #english #lisatuttle #mistery #terror
#literature #literatura #english #lisatuttle #mistery #terror
Enjoyed this long-overdue new edition of Tuttle's "A Nest Of Nightmares", understated stories about women simultaneously drifting and trapped, quietly breaking under the strain of their lives in locations ranging from the Southern US to high-hedged English countryside, landscapes interleaved with stratae of myth. The dream-tinged "Sun City" and "Treading The Maze" are my favourite but "The Horse Lord" is a great classic horror tale too.