Yes those are cork seats on the #lisbonmetro #lisboa #transit #transportation #portugal
#lisbonmetro #lisboa #transit #transportation #portugal
80kms a day for commuting may not be fast or easy but somehow it works. #comboiosdeportugal makes it a bit easier and #MetroLisboa unfortunately doesn’t help at all (their rules are totally outdated, and so their gates and trains). #lisboa #lisbon #cascais #lisbon @bklisboa @lisboapossivel #biketoot #BikeTooter #lisbonmetro #commute #commuter #commuterbike #portugal @camaralisboa
#comboiosdeportugal #metrolisboa #lisboa #lisbon #cascais #biketoot #BikeTooter #lisbonmetro #commute #commuter #commuterbike #portugal
A new metro stop is being planned for our neighborhood, but the plan puts it smack dab in our community park - Jardim da Parada - where everyone congregates and children play and climb trees. While I’m for expansion of public transit, I really hope they find another place to put the metro. Just look at this place!
#campodeourique #jardimdaparada #savethejardim #salvarojardim #lisbonmetro
#campodeourique #jardimdaparada #savethejardim #salvarojardim #lisbonmetro