My Muslim cycling friends are posting about Fasted 500 and Rapha Ramadan laps, and though I'm happy for them, I'm also feeling a bit sad that I won't be able to join in this year 😕
I didn't really know any Muslim cyclists before last year's F500 & then the Rapha event, so maybe that's why.
My regular cycling groups are very different get ups, and different to each other too. Though obviously I think they're awesome which is why I ride with them.
Foot is in a lot of pain 😣 It's almost all on the top, with some in the arch. It's like it feels twisted internally. I know it actually isn't, but that's the sensation.
I don't know if it's the nerves playing up, the hardware aggravating it or the broken screw somehow causing an issue.
I don't think I've overdone it, because I've walked more than this since injury. Who knows though.
Theme of the #Lisfranc support group today seems to be itchiness.
My own contribution was how I wanted to whip off my trainer and go crazy itching my foot around the top incision scar, but was on a train and so obviously did not 😅😂
Bribed myself with a coffee halfway. Planned route did not seem possible, so did a u-turn and took the quickest route home; I can definitely tell when the pain will shortly become unbearable in robo-foot.
I was not capable of 7km today, but I managed 2km so that's better than nothing. The sensation of metalwork pushing out causes a lot of pain sometimes 😣