@conorh @screwtape @surabax It is amusingly reminiscent of the #NERV logo.
#nerv #lisp #ireland #lispireland
many of us ! In particular I have been awed by @surabax 's recent toot series on symbolics era #lispMachine stuff, who is working on launching #lispIreland https://lisp.ie (WIP) monthly broadcasted talks as well.
@amszmidt for #lispm #MITCADR , @amoroso for #interlisp
as well are centrepoints for me here.
#lispmachine #lispireland #lispm #mitcadr #interlisp
I hosted this month's meetup of Lisp Ireland today, and I presented my talk titled "A Tour of Common Lisp": https://youtube.com/live/Y8vh_KmrtwM
This talk is an introduction and high-level overview of my favorite programming language, intended primarily for the members of the group that are new to it.
Sadly, I had to start too late and was interrupted, so it's only part 1 now. Stay tuned for part 2 next month!
#LispIreland #Meetup #CommonLisp #Lisp #ProgrammingLanguages #Programming #Dublin #Ireland
#dublin #lispireland #meetup #commonlisp #lisp #programminglanguages #programming #ireland