@louis by the way, http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lww42/CLIM-W/html/climguide.htm #clim #Lispworks
@louis Maybe one day we'll be so lucky as to have #LispWorks rework their licensing scheme into something halfway sensible.
#lispworks #lisp #commonlisp #parallels #windows11 #macos Looks like LispWorks for Windows 8.0.1 x86-64 runs on my Windows 11 for ARM64, with Parallels on a Mac with M1 Pro processor.
Mac M1 Pro -> Parallels virtual machine -> Windows ARM64 -> x86-64 emulator -> LispWorks for Windows 64bit
#lispworks #lisp #commonlisp #parallels #windows11 #macos
Implemented a parser for some proprietary format using parsergen package from LispWorks:
It looks way simpler than cl-yacc which I used previously, but works fine and error messages informative, so no need for extra dependency.
If only LW had a native regexp engine (it has but extremely limited). cl-ppcre is great so hard to beat it, but I would like to have even less dependencies in simple parsing-related projects.
@galdor Thank you for that interesting article. I think your description of the situation regarding the two proprietary providers is quite accurate.
Obviously, both suffer from the fact that they can live too well from their regular locked-in customers and thus practically don't have to compete anymore. Which is a shame, because #Lispworks in particular is a great overall package that many solo developers would benefit from. I imagine that Lispworks could boost its popularity and user base with affordable licenses for individual developers, who would then establish Lispworks within their employers.
I would be ready to pay for a pro license if I could create cross-platform binaries with it. But paying for 3-4 platforms licenses for a single user is just too much.
SBCL is an excellent implementation, so lets hope that it stays that way and the development will not loose its steem anytime soon.
After some thread on LW-HUG mailing list where I just wanted to help I ought to develop one-function package for LispWorks, allowing to run delivered applications in single instance on Windows and Linux
Usage exampe, main-ui being the delivered app entry point:
(defun main-ui ()
(unless (run-app-once:app-already-running-p app-name)
(capi:display (make-instance 'my-app))))
@nytpu Yeah, #LispWorks is pretty disappointing on that side.
I sure would like to mess with its tree-shaker & GUI, but there's no way I'm paying more than a month of rent to get a partial barely-usable sample.
It bears considering, I'm from a "rich" country. Ain't no fucking way someone making <10k/y will ever be able to afford trying it either.
@louis after the conflict between #Russia and #Ukrain and followed sanctions, I'm afraid to use proprietary software for building my products.
It is much safe to keep using #opensource tools, then believe in licenses (which may be revoked or not continued).
Probably I'll investigate #ECL and it's abilities to build mobile apps instead of relying on #LispWorks mobile runtime.
#russia #ukrain #opensource #ecl #lispworks
I sometimes get frustrated by the amount of dead links when you surf around the #CommonLisp web. There are so many websites, blogs and repos but half of all the links are broken.
Even on the "Success Stories" section on #LispWorks most of the stories point to dead links.
From this point of view it very much looks like Common Lisp is dead to a newcomer.
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›Call for Papers — 16th European #Lisp Symposium — #ELSConf —#Amsterdam — 2023-04-24/25‹
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Does anyone actually use LispWorks for CommonLisp programming?