I guess coming back to the original question, "Is all code portable with enough effort?" No, because all code is not portable, but all code can be ported. I would say that portable code is code that is already ready to be moved with minimal effort.
#learning #hackaday #embedded #podcast #listnerquestions #engineering
#engineering #listnerquestions #Podcast #Embedded #hackaday #learning
This week, Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) chat about their ongoing efforts to create and learn. They also answer some listener questions.
The transcript for episode 457: Rubber Duck Phase Cancellation( https://embedded.fm/transcripts/457 ) is out now!
Feel free to read through and share your favourite quotes!
#learning #hackaday #embedded #podcast #listnerquestions #engineering #transcript
#transcript #engineering #listnerquestions #Podcast #Embedded #hackaday #learning