If you are interested in
#ProfessionalDevelopment #TeacherNetworks #Humanizing Practices #Literacies and #LearningSciences--- then check out my forthcoming book, "Critical Network Literacy: Humanizing Professional Development for Educators" - Coming out May 2023, Pre-order at Harvard Ed Press: https://www.hepg.org/hep-home/books/critical-network-literacy
Great book for an educator summer #bookclub
#Education #professionaldevelopment #teachernetworks #humanizing #literacies #learningsciences #bookclub
Ben B. Chiewphasa and Matthew L. Sisk explore the overlapping goals of different #critical #literacies (such as #critInfoLit and #QuantCrit), showcasing the overlap of #socialJustice-oriented librarians with distinctive roles and responsibilities.
#critical #literacies #critinfolit #quantcrit #socialjustice
#neuhier #newhere #erwachsenenbildung #adulteducation #AlphaDekade #literacies #literacy …werde wohl zumeist wissenschaftliche Befunde tröten, natürlich damit alle unsere Aufsätze lesen :-)
Im Druck ist grade das „zweite LEO-Buch“, mit vertiefenden Analysen zu Literalität und whatnot. Prof. Dr. Miriam Beblo schreibt „Wer macht den Papierkram?“ und hat sogar ein Comic dazu: https://www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/fachbereich-sozoek/professuren/beblo/04-forschung/01-publikationen/comicpapierkram.pdf
#neuhier #newhere #erwachsenenbildung #adulteducation #AlphaDekade #literacies #Literacy
Hello all again! So: #Commodon #introduction! I’m a Professor in #media & #communications at #University #Surrey #UK. I started w #audience #research in the #SocialMedia age w my #PhD at #LSE & am ever interested in what people do w #technology. chunk of work on #parents & #tech over last decade. I’ve spent last year listening to citizens encountering #algorithms in data driven personalisation tech. New #book due in 2023 converging my interests in #user #cultures #data #algorithm #literacies!
#literacies #algorithm #data #cultures #user #book #algorithms #tech #parents #technology #lse #phd #socialmedia #research #audience #uk #surrey #University #communications #media #introduction #commodon
In addition to making #comics, I’m a #literacies researcher interested in what it means to draw, write, tell stories, and imagine.
You can check out a short essay I wrote in anticipation of my first middle grade book’s release titled, “Why Drawing Matters.”
#introduction #comics #literacies
Okay #academictwitter migrant friends, looking for #education #teachereducation #literacies folx. My research is on #AsianAmerican teachers & teachers of color recruitment, preparation, retention, identity, broadly. Also a #MotherScholar & interested in professional identity.
US/California based, but doing transnational collaborative work with colleagues in France. Voilà mon #introduction
PS. I love Mastodon emojis :blobcat_thisisfine:
#Introduction #motherscholar #asianamerican #literacies #TeacherEducation #Education #academictwitter
Hi Friends, trying this new network...any #education #teachereducation #literacies peeps here?
#literacies #TeacherEducation #Education