#ZUN always has been and will be #1 :crazylaugh:
( mean it. #literally )
It is the most #lucrative #GaaS ever.
(And that was before #GamesAsAService were even a thing !)
This iks not #cardboard, it is #literally #money
Same with #mtg
I think that #MasterDuel is just #advertisement for the cardboard tbh.
I mean.
What else does #Konami have ?
They neglected most stuff, as #yugioh pays all their bills with ease :P
#gamesasaservice #lucrative #gaas #cardboard #literally #money #mtg #masterduel #advertisement #konami #yugioh
Leo was #caught #playing with himself by his father!, how can leo escape that?!.
Tags: #stickman #sfw (-ish) #shota #card #cards #naked #nude #clone #CMNM #bedroom #literally #comic
#caught #playing #stickman #sfw #shota #card #cards #naked #nude #clone #cmnm #bedroom #literally #comic
I HATE when these children use the term "literally," figuratively.
#okay, folks, you #never asked but here we go anyway - the #official #inevitable #return of the #oneandonly #legendary #intergalactic #innervision #extravaganza, my goodness #gracious!
you have been #craving for some words of #wisdom for ages #literally and so #finally I was sent by #almighty #goddess #Eris to this particular timeline to fill the gap between the previous and the next toot like never before!
all hail #Discordia!
#okay #never #official #inevitable #return #oneandonly #legendary #intergalactic #innervision #extravaganza #gracious #craving #wisdom #literally #finally #almighty #goddess #eris #trolltip #officialtrolltip #discordia
Quick sidenote: #Hashtags #Are #Literally #Everything on the Fediverse. (They're the only way you can search for anything.)
Also, the #OnePiece fandom is... *does a quick search* ...well, they're *on* here, is the important thing.
#onepiece #everything #literally #are #hashtags
Aye yo check it out, this pic is the bees knees!
#literally & #figuratively
#BeesKnees #Bumblebee #bloomscrolling #echinacea #PurpleConeflowers #coneflowers
#literally #figuratively #beesknees #bumblebee #bloomscrolling #echinacea #purpleconeflowers #coneflowers
@Byronrabbit @RainCityBunnies @Satori @thegreatrabbit
I've always loved the -or / -ix male/female thing. Not sure why. Sounds exotic?
And ya, misuses like that bug me too. I was taught to check how it sounds when you remove the "<other> and". In this case, "gave it to I", which is more obviously wrong.
But there are bigger fights worth fighting. I will die on this hill before I accept #millennials' insistence that "literally" means "figuratively".
#millennials #literally #figuratively #argh
Bored af. Want somebody to talk to and someone to exchange stuff with or roleplay.
Session: 052b50b9f71599d9a643091fe2165cba6726bdb75421c76242aa869b7c45aa2801
#pedo_ #young #Session #cpp #male #female #trans #Cpp #Furry #anime #Games #memes #pedomom #any #topic #literally #zoo #RP #roleplay
#roleplay #rp #zoo #literally #topic #any #pedomom #memes #games #anime #furry #trans #female #male #cpp #session #young #pedo_
Bored af. Want somebody to talk to and someone to exchange stuff with.
Session: 052b50b9f71599d9a643091fe2165cba6726bdb75421c76242aa869b7c45aa2801
#pedo_ #young #Session #cpp #male #female #trans #Cpp #Furry #anime #Games #memes #pedomom #any #topic #literally #zoo
#zoo #literally #topic #any #pedomom #memes #games #anime #furry #trans #female #male #cpp #session #young #pedo_
#literally : according to the primary and natural import of words
- French: littéralement
- German: wörtlich
- Italian: letteralmente
- Portuguese: literalmente
- Spanish: literalmente
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
Ok I’m hooked. Now I want even older 1 & $2 bills. I heard there’s a $1 bill with Martha Washington on it! The backs on all these $1 bills are different, and these aren’t even the one they call a Funny Back… so cool.
#old #money #but #literally #bills #coins #antiques #dollar #washington #jefferson #lincoln #numismatics #numismatist #easy #for #you to #say
#old #money #but #literally #bills #coins #antiques #dollar #Washington #jefferson #lincoln #numismatics #numismatist #easy #for #you #say
Associated Press article on Teddy DiBiase Jr. getting charged (he faces over 140 years if convicted on all counts) in the same money laundering that Brett Favre stole from. Davis, who helped launder the money, has already pled guilty, & Teddy's brother Brett's already pled guilty to state & federal charges (he took $160 for rehab for himself).
#arrest #BrettFavre #conservatives #steal #from the #poor #literally. #welfare #money in #Mississippi #stolen by the #rich. https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2023/04/20/former-wwe-wrestler-ted-dibiase-jr-charged-in-mississippi-welfare-fraud-case/70135725007/
#arrest #BrettFavre #conservatives #steal #from #poor #literally #welfare #money #mississippi #stolen #rich
I know this is a joke but one time a bunch of clowns took my friend and I out of line, past the bouncers and into the bar with them. Such a hilarious bizarre experience. #WhatABunchOfClowns #Literally #SeafairClowns #TorchlightParade
#torchlightparade #seafairclowns #literally #whatabunchofclowns
Why didn’t anyone tell me that when your body grows old, shit 💩 things happen to you. #literally