Stuart Anthony · @stuartanthony
22 followers · 26 posts · Server

The Dark Is Rising. I read it first time round. A powerful book aimed at a young audience but one that adults could enjoy just as much. I am unable to 'toot' the depths and wonders of this book series. It has a deep magic and connects to the British landscape and its inherent myths. The battle against darkness poignant to now. The imagery wild and ancient. We need stories that fuel us.

#TheDarkIsRising #susancooper #literarature #celticmyth #druid #cymru #Merlin #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Sunita · @sunita
88 followers · 184 posts · Server

Oh no, Bookforum is closing after their next issue. Hate to see good literary magazines go. I've been a subscriber for a few years. Always something worth reading.

#bookstodon #magazines #literarature #books

Last updated 2 years ago