“Lost in the solitude of his immense power, he began to lose direction.” — Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
Called Magic Realism. Created some truly disturbing images.
Fourth literary classic on this list:
#quotes #LiteraryClassics #Booksodon #reading #OneHundredYearsOfSolitude #GabrielGarciaMarquez
#quotes #literaryclassics #booksodon #reading #onehundredyearsofsolitude #gabrielgarciamarquez
Last call for the Baa Baa Brighouse Book Club Bundle!
Sign ups close on Sunday.
We will be taking our inspiration from the cover of Charlotte Bronte's 'Villette' from the Penguin Clothbound Classic book collection.
Visit https://www.baabaabrighouse.co.uk/shop/yarn-clubs/baa-baa-brighouse-book-club-bundle-villette/ to find out more and sign up.
#yarn #knitting #crochet #books #reading #charlottebronte #brontes #brontesisters #yorkshire #haworth #indieyarn #indieyarndyer #handdyedyarn #bookclub #villette #literaryclassics #haworthparsonage
#yarn #knitting #crochet #books #reading #charlottebronte #brontes #brontesisters #Yorkshire #haworth #indieyarn #indieyarndyer #handdyedyarn #bookclub #villette #literaryclassics #haworthparsonage
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Lessoned learned: Don’t make a person into a symbol for success.
The third book on this list:
#quotes #LiteraryClassics #Booksodon #reading #TheGreatGatsby #FScottFitzgerald
#quotes #literaryclassics #booksodon #reading #thegreatgatsby #fscottfitzgerald
“As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash.” — Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Never read this before, glad I did.
This was the second book on this list: https://www.britannica.com/list/12-novels-considered-the-greatest-book-ever-written
#booksodon #reading #quotes #literaryclassics #harperlee
Sign ups are now open for the next Baa Baa Brighouse Book Club Bundle!
We will be taking our inspiration from the cover of Charlotte Bronte's 'Villette' from the Penguin Clothbound Classic book collection.
Visit https://www.baabaabrighouse.co.uk/shop/yarn-clubs/baa-baa-brighouse-book-club-bundle-villette/ to find out more and sign up.
#yarn #knitting #crochet #books #reading #charlottebronte #brontes #brontesisters #yorkshire #haworth #indieyarn #indieyarndyer #handdyedyarn #bookclub #villette #literaryclassics #haworthparsonage
#yarn #knitting #crochet #books #reading #charlottebronte #brontes #brontesisters #Yorkshire #haworth #indieyarn #indieyarndyer #handdyedyarn #bookclub #villette #literaryclassics #haworthparsonage
“I think...if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
So many minds and so many thoughts, even a dog’s confusion is written out in this book. Definitely describes the thinking and so much of the feelings of people in this place and time.
This literary classic was the first book on the following list:
#booksodon #reading #quotes #literaryclassics #LeoTolstoy
“All true friendliness begins with fire and food and drink and the recognition of rain or frost.”
- G.K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong with the World
#GKChesterton #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#gkchesterton #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“He could not help, even unconsciously, asking himself all the questions that there were to be asked, and answering as many of them as he could; all that went on like his breathing or circulation.”
- G.K. Chesterton, The Wisdom of Father Brown
#GKChesterton #TheWisdomOfFatherBrown #ClassicDetectiveFiction #ClassicBritishMystery #Detective #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#gkchesterton #thewisdomoffatherbrown #classicdetectivefiction #classicbritishmystery #detective #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“Suddenly, like a thing falling upon me from without, came fear.”
- H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds
#HGWells #TheWarOfTheWorlds #ScienceFiction #SciFiClassics #HorrorFiction #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#hgwells #thewaroftheworlds #sciencefiction #scificlassics #HorrorFiction #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“But dreams come through stone walls, light up dark rooms, or darken light ones, and their persons make their exits and their entrances as they please, and laugh at locksmiths.”
- Joseph Sheridan Le Fans, Carmilla 🦇 🎩 🕯️
#JosephSheridanLeFanu #Carmilla #TheVampyre #VampireClassics #VampireFiction #GothicHorror #HorrorFiction #HorrorClassics #VictorianLiterature #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#JosephSheridanLeFanu #carmilla #thevampyre #vampireclassics #vampirefiction #gothichorror #HorrorFiction #horrorclassics #victorianliterature #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“I believe everything out of the common. The only thing to distrust is the normal.”
- John Buchan, The Thirty Nine Steps
#JohnBuchan #TheThirtyNineSteps #ScottishLiterature #Espionage #SpyThriller #Thriller #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#johnbuchan #thethirtyninesteps #scottishliterature #espionage #SpyThriller #thriller #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
Swadder, or pedler [a man who hawks goods].
The high pad - the highway.
The ruffian cly thee - the devil take thee.
Togemans [tog] - cloake.
Togman - a coate.
- John Camden Hotten, The Slang Dictionary
#JohnCamdenHotten #TheSlangDictionary #19thCentury #Etymology #Slang #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#johncamdenhotten #theslangdictionary #19thcentury #etymology #slang #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
‘In the drowsy heat of the summer afternoon the Red House was taking its siesta. There was a lazy murmur of bees in the flower-borders, a gentle cooing of pigeons in the tops of the elms.’
- A. A. Milne, The Red House Mystery
#AAMilne #TheRedHouseMystery #ClassicDetectiveFiction #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#aamilne #theredhousemystery #classicdetectivefiction #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“Love born in the brain is more spirited, doubtless, than true love, but it has only flashes of enthusiasm; it knows itself too well.”
- Stendhal, The Red and the Black
#Stendhal #TheRedAndTheBlack #19thCentury #FrenchLiterature #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #FestiveQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#stendhal #theredandtheblack #19thcentury #FrenchLiterature #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #festivequotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!”
- Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers
#CharlesDickens #ThePickwickPapers #19thCentury #ChristmasBookQuotes #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#charlesdickens #thepickwickpapers #19thcentury #christmasbookquotes #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“I adore you, I hate you, I offend you, I ask your pardon, I admire you, I blush for my admiration: in a word, I have nothing of tranquillity or reason left about me.”
- Madame De La Fayette, The Princess of Cleves
#MadameDeLaFayette #ThePrincessofCleves #HistoricalRomance #Histodon #FrenchLiterature #17thCentury #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#madamedelafayette #theprincessofcleves #historicalromance #histodon #FrenchLiterature #17thcentury #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire.”
- Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol 🎩 🕯️ ❄️
#NowListening to the wonderful Simon Vance audio edition https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/A-Christmas-Carol-Audiobook/B005TKXLFW
#CharlesDickens #AChristmasCarol #ChristmasReads #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes#BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#nowlistening #charlesdickens #achristmascarol #christmasreads #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookish #bookstodon
“Your hands are born open, and so is your heart; and though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that—help and comfort and laughter—and sometimes that is the best help of all.”
- Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess ⭐ ❄️ 🎄
#FrancesHodgsonBurnett #ALittlePrincess #ChildrensClassics #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#FrancesHodgsonBurnett #alittleprincess #childrensclassics #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
“Beauty is a form of genius—is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation.”
- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
#OscarWilde #ThePictureOfDorianGray #EnglishLiterature #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#oscarwilde #thepictureofdoriangray #englishliterature #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon