Writers: how long since you went to a writers/readers/literary festival? I've just returned from one and have popped up the first of a series of blog posts about the experience. This one is about all the benefits writers receive from attending. The next post will be about how to get the most from attending. And then one on what you can do to get an invite to one! Plus I'll do a highlights post as the festival was fantastic and the impact on me/for me next level. https://annafeatherstone.com/what-are-the-benefits-for-writers-who-attend-writers-festivals/
#Australia #WritersFestival #LiteraryFestival #Author #WritingCommunity #NSW #ByronBay #AustralianWriters #AusWrites #AusAuthors #AustralianAuthors #Publishing #ByronWF2023 #ByronWritersFestival #Bangalow #BundjalungCountry
#australia #writersfestival #literaryfestival #author #writingcommunity #nsw #byronbay #australianwriters #auswrites #ausauthors #australianauthors #publishing #byronwf2023 #byronwritersfestival #bangalow #bundjalungcountry
We should point you to the brand-new #Edinburgh Women's Fiction Festival, which we're involved with, coming on the 6th and 7th of October, with events, signings and writer's workshops, taking place in Morningside United Church, right next door to our bookshop! More details on the website https://www.edwomensficfest.co.uk/2023-programme
#Edimbourg #books #livres #EdinburghWomensFictionFestival #bookfestival #LiteraryFestival #WomensFiction #Women #Femmes #Bruntsfield #bookstodon
#edinburgh #edimbourg #books #livres #edinburghwomensfictionfestival #bookfestival #literaryfestival #womensfiction #women #femmes #bruntsfield #bookstodon
Book peeps, coming to #Edinburgh this October, the first Women's Fiction Festival! Taking place at Morningside United Church, adjacent to the award-winning Indy Edinburgh Bookshop. Several of my chums are involved in getting this up and running, includes author panels and writing workshops https://www.edwomensficfest.co.uk/2023-programme
#Edimbourg #HolyCorner #Bruntsfield #EdinburghWomensWritingFestival #books #livres #BookFestival #LiteraryFestival #Women #Femmes #writing
#writing #femmes #women #literaryfestival #bookfestival #livres #books #edinburghwomenswritingfestival #bruntsfield #holycorner #edimbourg #edinburgh
And here's that Cory Doctorow chap on stage at @cymerafestival https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/52952891167/in/photostream/
#Books #Livres #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #photography #CoryDoctorow #author #writer #Cymera #Cymera23 #LiteraryFestival #ScienceFiction #Pleasance
#pleasance #sciencefiction #literaryfestival #cymera23 #cymera #writer #author #corydoctorow #photography #edimbourg #edinburgh #livres #books
My last @cymerafestival event of the weekend was LR Lam and Amie Kaufman talking to OM Freestone, which was a total hoot to listen to.
My own event went well, authors and audience seemed happy, so job done! Caught up with chums I've not seen in ages, met some Id only known online, saw bunch of author events, drinks in cobbled courtyard... Terrific weekend.
#Cymera23 #LiteraryFestival #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #books #livres
#livres #books #edimbourg #edinburgh #literaryfestival #cymera23
#Edinburgh peeps, final day of the splendid @cymerafestival , & today I'll be talking with Mike Carey, Ever Dunda and Dave Cook https://www.cymerafestival.co.uk/cymera23-events/2023/6/4/cyberjunk-with-mr-carey-david-cooke-and-ever-dundas
Waiting to see if Dave arrives on his Akira motorbike...
#books #livres #Edimbourg #comics #BandeDessinee #BookFestival #Cymera #Cymera23 #Pleasance #LiteraryFestival #bookstodon
#bookstodon #literaryfestival #pleasance #cymera23 #cymera #bookfestival #bandedessinee #comics #edimbourg #livres #books #edinburgh
#Edinburgh peeps, @cymerafestival weekend kicks off tomorrow, with many amazing authors in attendance.
On Sunday I'll be talking with @everdundas Mike Carey and Dave Cook, details on the Cymera site: https://www.cymerafestival.co.uk/cymera23-events/2023/6/4/cyberjunk-with-mr-carey-david-cooke-and-ever-dundas
#books #livres #Edimbourg #ScienceFiction #EverDundas #MikeCarey #DaveCook #LiteraryFestival #bookstodon #Cymera2023
#cymera2023 #bookstodon #literaryfestival #davecook #MikeCarey #everdundas #sciencefiction #edimbourg #livres #books #edinburgh
Our friends at @cymerafestival will be holding their 2023 edition this weekend in #Edinburgh , with writers such as Samantha Shannon, Alliete De Boddard, Mike Carey, Rachelle Atta, Anya Bergman, Ever Dundas, N.K. Jemisin, and many more! You may even bump into some of us there too!
#Edinburgh #Books #Cymera2023 #Cymera #CymeraFestival #ScienceFiction #LiteraryFestival #livres #Edimbourg
#edinburgh #books #cymera2023 #cymera #CymeraFestival #sciencefiction #literaryfestival #livres #edimbourg
Listening to Ryuichi Sakamoto while going over Dave Cook & Craig Paton's Killtopia from BHP Comics again, ahead of chatting to Dave, @everdundas & Mike Carey at @cymerafestival this coming Sunday https://www.cymerafestival.co.uk/cymera23-events/2023/6/4/cyberjunk-with-mr-carey-david-cooke-and-ever-dundas
#books #comics #Edinburgh #ScienceFiction #Cymera #CyneraFestival #livres #bandedessinee #Killtopia #LiteraryFestival
#literaryfestival #killtopia #bandedessinee #livres #cynerafestival #cymera #sciencefiction #edinburgh #comics #books
The Cymera festival programme is now live! Scotland's literary festival of #ScienceFiction , #Fantasy , #Horror in #Edinburgh this June!
Already have my weekend pass, and looking forward to chairing as well as attending again https://www.cymerafestival.co.uk/
#books #livres #Edimbourg #Cymera #CymeraFestival #LiteraryFestival
#literaryfestival #cymerafestival #cymera #edimbourg #livres #books #edinburgh #horror #fantasy #sciencefiction
Weekend pass pre-booked for this summer's @cymerafestival in #Edinburgh , something to look forward to! https://www.cymerafestival.co.uk/
#books #ScienceFiction #LiteraryFestival #Cymera #CymeraFestival
#cymerafestival #cymera #literaryfestival #sciencefiction #books #edinburgh
Have added lots more writers festivals to the list for Australia today. Who knew there was a football writers festival!?!
A lot of the events are stacked in the first half of the year so do get planning if you want to attend any.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #booklovers #literaryfestival #Australia #writersfestivals #footballwriters #footballwritersfestival
#writingcommunity #amwriting #booklovers #literaryfestival #australia #writersfestivals #footballwriters #footballwritersfestival
Did you know there is a dedicated festival for historical literature on the Channel Island of #Alderney? It kicks off 17 March. See the program and authors here and follow them at @AlderneyLitTrust
#Books #bookFestival #literature #historicalFiction #history #histfic #writingCommunity #ChannelIslands #literaryFestival #AlderneyLitFest
#HistFic #alderneylitfest #literaryfestival #ChannelIslands #writingcommunity #History #historicalfiction #literature #bookfestival #Books #alderney