Brock University (Canada #BrockUniversity) is looking for an "Assistant Professor of Francophone #Literatures of the Global South" starting on July 1, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Applications: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies #Postcolonial
#brockuniversity #literatures #fidavlnews #Postcolonial
I've mentioned the #SymbolicSymposium before. Now I'm mentioning it again! On December 2-4 come hear talks about disguise and recognition in literature and folklore!
Dec 3rd I will be giving a talk on failures of recognition in Malory. Come join me! And tell your friends!
All Symbolic Symposium talks are free and pitched toward a general audience.
#SymbolicSymposium #KingArthur #literatures #medieval #hashtags
I am a #litstudies scholar with expertise in #Ottoman and #Turkish #literatures. My previous research tackled representations of Ottoman #masculinities in early twentieth-century erotic #fiction, local forms of knowledge production, and memory-making practices. Currently, I work on #literary #gerontology in #nonWestern contexts.
#nonWestern #gerontology #literary #fiction #masculinities #literatures #turkish #Ottoman #litstudies #introduction