A write-along stream!
Whoops! You drank a magic tea that revealed the Fae!
And they have their own Starbucks on every corner... ?
Tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/hPjOxBOb-Pg
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #canlit #authorsofinsta #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #dungeonsanddragons #dungeon #cafe #fae #fairy #starbucks
#starbucks #fairy #fae #cafe #dungeon #dungeonsanddragons #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #authorsofinsta #canlit #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
Be your own "Forever DM" in Questcrawl--a DM-less version of D&D! TPK all by yourself! Ignore your OWN plot hooks!
Tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/gLIPPqxHcx8
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #dungeonsanddragons #dungeon
#dungeon #dungeonsanddragons #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this solo TTRPG, you are a cat burglar trying to rob the rich before the guards catch you.
Be your best Robin Hood @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/DK5IZ_65pWk
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #burglar #cat #rogue #thief
#Thief #rogue #Cat #burglar #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this solo TTRPG, we are a tiny wizard! We MUST conquer the mountain of old DVDs at the end of the Valley of Unfolded Laundry in the lands of My Bedroom.
Became tiny & powerful @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/TVzPvlJvYb4
#writingcommunity #writer #story #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #vancouverwriters #canlit #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #koriko #potions #witch #wizard #magic
#magic #wizard #witch #potions #koriko #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #canlit #vancouverwriters #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #story #writer #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this solo TTRPG, we are a young witch spending a year on our own--just like "Kiki's Delivery Service"!
Write letters home tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/Rj8ubL3OD78
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #koriko #potions #witch #cat #ghibli #kiki
#kiki #ghibli #Cat #witch #potions #koriko #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this solo TTRPG, a potion-making cat forages to make cures for odd curses (with our human familiar).
Help the Kitty keep a Journal tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/CkE732s9GTM
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #canlit #authorsofinsta #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #apothecaria #potions #witch #cat
#Cat #witch #potions #apothecaria #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #authorsofinsta #canlit #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this solo TTRPG, stale air makes our deep breaths shallow. Will we see the sun again?
Or will the dice make those depths our grave?
Help write our tale LIVE right NOW: https://youtube.com/live/RFeZYIRtnmQ
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #issaflenin #malta #maltese
#maltese #Malta #issaflenin #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this Solo TTRPG, you're a solitary shepherd sent to guard your master’s flock of a thousand sheep.
Will they all make it?
Join the writing @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/d9q68R-ZKzU
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #Shepherd #AloneAmongtheStars #sheep #itchio
#Itchio #sheep #aloneamongthestars #shepherd #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this Solo TTRPG, your destination is a figure barely visible in the desert's endless horizon.
You pursue them despite your meager provisions...
Get lost together tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/57NdtyHenJA
#writingcommunity #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #Amenti #1888 #visions #itchio
#Itchio #visions #amenti #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this Solo TTRPG, you are among the last members of a great knight's order. Will you answer a call for aid?
Join the Journey tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/Q_Fa4Y9Gj94
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #SunGuard #Pilgrimage #Knight #itchio
#Itchio #knight #pilgrimage #sunguard #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this Solo TTRPG, you write journals to cope with your idiot roommate.
Join in the misery @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/3d-tMYYphkw
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #canlit #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #roommate #itchio
#Itchio #roommate #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #canlit #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this Solo TTRPG, you are watching over a lighthouse at the edge of the world, but you are not alone...
Take your shift tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/3J1mRjtewWY
(our health bar is a jenga tower!)
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #ghosts #ghost #lighthouse #verne #itchio
#Itchio #verne #lighthouse #ghost #ghosts #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In this Solo TTRPG, you are watching over a lighthouse at the edge of the world, but you are not alone...
Take your shift LIVE right now: https://youtube.com/live/3J1mRjtewWY
(our health bar is a jenga tower!)
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #indiepublishing #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #ghosts #ghost #lighthouse #verne #itchio
#Itchio #verne #lighthouse #ghost #ghosts #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indiepublishing #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
This Solo TTRPG is about exploring your home at the edge of reality ever in a state of flux.
Is it home if it's never the same?
Tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/gdi_g7aK7SI
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #livestream #litgames #amwriting #vancouverwriters #canlit #authorsofinsta #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #Fantasy #magic #Fae #itchio
#Itchio #fae #magic #Fantasy #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #authorsofinsta #canlit #vancouverwriters #amwriting #litgames #livestream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
This Solo TTRPG is about exploring your home at the edge of reality.
Is it home if it's never the same?
LIVE right NOW: https://youtube.com/live/gdi_g7aK7SI
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #livestream #litgames #amwriting #vancouverwriters #canlit #authorsofinsta #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #Fantasy #magic #Fae #itchio
#Itchio #fae #magic #Fantasy #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #authorsofinsta #canlit #vancouverwriters #amwriting #litgames #livestream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
This Solo TTRPG is about a choice: will you bind yourself to the fae forever or run back home?
Make your choice tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/KKDF_Me7JPM
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #Fantasy #folklore #GoblinMarket #Goblin #Fae #itchio
#Itchio #fae #goblin #goblinmarket #folklore #Fantasy #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In Swamp Troll Witches, we travel the mucky muck of Tendervale swamp plucking mushrooms from under the will-o-wisps.
Join the Journey LIVE right NOW: https://youtube.com/live/0TGQnErEOcw
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #canlit #writeyourstory #emergingwriters #writingadvice #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #Fantasy #Witch #Troll #Potion #SwampTrollWitches #itchio
#Itchio #swamptrollwitches #potion #Troll #witch #Fantasy #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #writingadvice #emergingwriters #writeyourstory #canlit #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
In What Waits Beneath, we will journal about dives for treasure, alien nations, and titans of the deep.
Dive time is LIVE right NOW: https://youtube.com/live/Vx3SDHy8jF4
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #canlit #emergingwriters #writingadvice #badwriting #badfanfic #badpoems #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #Sea #DeepSea #Diving #WhatWaitsBeneath #itchio
#Itchio #whatwaitsbeneath #diving #deepsea #sea #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #badpoems #badfanfic #badwriting #writingadvice #emergingwriters #canlit #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #indieauthor #writingcommunity
A write-along stream!
May the Fourth be with you! Let's write the story of a legendary lightsaber!
Fwoom & voom with me tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/LE5A0smnEpA
#writingcommunity #indieauthor #onlinecommunity #writer #story #vancouver #indie #fiction #stream #livestream #litgames #amwriting #amreading #vancouverwriters #badfanfic #badpoems #writealong #TTRPG #SoloTTRPG #DnD #5e #pathfinder #PF2e #starwars #lightsaber #maythe4thbewithyou #jedisurvivor
#JediSurvivor #MayThe4thBeWithYou #lightsaber #StarWars #PF2e #pathfinder #5e #DND #solottrpg #ttrpg #writealong #badpoems #badfanfic #vancouverwriters #amreading #amwriting #litgames #livestream #Stream #fiction #indie #vancouver #story #writer #onlinecommunity #indieauthor #writingcommunity
Unpacking and enjoying some Fast and Furious #litgames with #thevarietal courtesy of @rorystarr
#litgames #thevarietal #writing #fastandfurious #family