Does anyone actually believe that no generals were involved in the wanton ritualistic murder of people, a process described as "".

Will we ever know the full extent of the murderous , given that 9 troops have reportedly committed suicide apparently.

Do we also believe that no generals were involved?

#military #afghan #blooding #cult #usa #afghanistan #warcrimes #NATODisband #opiumwars #concentrationFarms #lithiumWars #bolivia #invasion #September11 #richMansTrick #refugeeFactory #ausMilitary

Last updated 4 years ago

FYI, that in , lovingly orchestrated by the (and supported by the ), was found to be based on .

Shock and awe (-woops no that was another one).

When can we expect to be returned back to his rightful presidency and for the USA and EU to restore his reputation?

#coup #bolivia #usa #eu #flawedData #exiled #EvoMorales #lithium #regimechange #southamerica #afghanistan #lithiumWars #trump #trumpHypocrite #hypocriteTrump #thirdworldisation #greed #protest #blm #hyperConsumerism #hyperGlobalisation

Last updated 5 years ago