Börsposten · @borsposten
41 followers · 447 posts · Server mastodon.nu

Lithium Americas är ett av de heta börsnoterade företagen inom litium där biltillverkaren GM nu investerar 650 miljoner USD för att säkerställa tillgång på den kritiska batterimetallen. Lithium Americas gör det nu ännu enklare för investerare genom att dela upp företaget i två. ravarumarknaden.se/lithium-ame

#lithiumamericas #litium #aktier

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
898 followers · 12406 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Court Date is Friday for Defending Massacre Site from

May 31, 2023

Ox Sam Camp, , Nevada: "I would like to ask all of you out there to kindly share this for my fellow sister warrior descendant, she stands here for her lineage through her great great grandfather Ox Sam whose family was massacred here at Thacker Pass also known as Peehee Muhu which is translated as Rotten Moon.
Due to recent events of her being served a TPO that is restricting her from accessing her Rights to her unmarked ancestral burial grounds and sacred site at Sentinel Rock by Corporation. She now has to go back and forth to 150 miles round trip where the court is being held and conducted which adds up a lot of miles and she is still looking for a Nevada attorney preferably pro indigenous rights for her legal issues filed by Lithium America a Canadian Based Corporation. So we're kindly asking you all to share these links to try and get her all the help we can do for her and to help her along as we continue to shed light and love on the current happenings at PeeHee Muhu Ox Sam Camp. (Newe Momokonee Nokutun)
Thank you for Very Much.

"The legal hearing for Dorece, Chuck, Paul, and Max is now scheduled for Friday (June 2nd) at 1:30 pm in Winnemucca. We're asking the court for an extension but it may not be granted. So that's our timeline for now. I'm not sure if supporters will be allowed in the courtroom, but if anyone wants to come out and support us feel free (although I wouldn't want to take people away from camp). For now, that's our deadline for legal representation. The situation is evolving. Thank you."

More at:

Via Censored News:

#paiute #shoshone #lithiumamericas #ThackerPass #lithiumamerica #winnemucca #savethackerpass #culturalgenocide #indigenousnews #environmentalracism #oxsamcamp #frontline #biodiversity #solidarity #help #nevada #environment #climate #directaction #ProtectPeeheeMuhuh #lithiumnevada #lithiummining #openpitmining #openpit #mining

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
897 followers · 10606 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Now! Blocking Construction at , Nevada

Protect Peehee Mu'huh!

April 25, 2023

" and Pauite are offering prayers, and blocking construction by of Canada at the Pauite Massacre Site in northern Nevada."

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#pauite #lithiummine #ThackerPass #fortmcdermitt #pyramidlake #lithiumamericas #nativeamericans #indigenousnews #StopThackerPass

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
832 followers · 9758 posts · Server kolektiva.social

moves deeper into mining with investment

By Ernest Scheyder, April 11, 2023

"The EnergyX investment comes after GM in January agreed to pay $650 million to become the largest shareholder in Corp (LAC.TO), which is developing the clay lithium project in Nevada."


#generalmotors #energyx #lithium #lithiumamericas #ThackerPass

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
832 followers · 9726 posts · Server kolektiva.social

BREAKING! Judge affirms stricter interpretation of federal mining law

By SCOTT SONNER, Associated Press, April 13, 2023

RENO, Nev. (AP) — "Another judge has adopted a U.S. appellate court's stricter interpretation of a century-and-a-half-old mining law in a new ruling that blocks a metals mine in Nevada. The ruling could have ramifications for a huge mine near the Nevada-Oregon line and other future mines on public lands across the West.

"Environmentalists say Hicks' ruling bodes well for their appeal.

"'It's very significant,' said Roger Flynn, a longtime attorney for the Colorado-based Western Action Mining Project representing the Great Basin Resource Watch and others in lawsuits challenging both the molybdenum and lithium mines."

Read more: msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ju

#lithium #ThackerPass #lithiummining #lithiumamericas #savethackerpass #indigenousnews

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
739 followers · 8470 posts · Server kolektiva.social

and Biden Violating Sacred Ground at Massacre Site on

by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, March 17, 2023

Hazardous chemicals, around-the-clock trucks, hundreds of them carrying toxic materials, and a rail train will destroy this pristine and sacred region


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#lithiumamericas #pauite #ThackerPass #culturalgenocide #environmentalracism #indigenousnews #mining #openpit

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1297 followers · 12211 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
670 followers · 7397 posts · Server kolektiva.social

What Is

Definition, Examples, and Environmental Impact

By Rebecca Coffey, Updated July 26, 2022

"Environmentally, open-pit mining is devastating. It consumes enormous amounts of water, heavily pollutes water and air, disfigures landscapes, and permanently destroys habitat. Even after pits are exhausted and sites are rehabilitated, the pit area retains elevated risks of and .

"Heavy clouds of dust form during mining operations. Blasting alone is an enormous piece of the problem. In 2018 an international team of scientists publishing in E3S Web of Conferences reported that about 10 billion cubic meters of rock are exploded annually. The resulting clouds transport about 2.0-2.5 million tons of dust.

"The dust from drilling and blasting at some mines is highly radioactive. This is the case, for example, at uranium mines. The problem is not limited to well-known radioactive ores, however, as all ores are to some degree.

"Even when it’s not radioactive, dust containing heavy metals can be very dangerous. When it is breathed it can create a variety of respiratory problems including black lung disease.

"The explosives used in blasting release fumes rich in - and -producing gases like highly toxic nitrogen dioxide. As far back as 1973 Soviet scientists reported that the smog can form in the pits themselves.In 2019 Chinese scientists reported that a mine-produced hydrochloric acid mist was caustic enough to corrode concrete.

" One of the most significant problems in open pit mining is also endemic to underground mining. The mineral pyrite is often found in coal mines. It contains sulfur. When pyrite is exposed and sulfur reacts with air and water, it forms an acid. Acidic water as well as any rock-bound heavy metals that the acid has dissolved leach out of the mines and into nearby rivers, lakes, and streams, killing aquatic life and making the water unusable.

"A 2021 study in the peer-reviewed journal Ecological Applications showed the elimination of 40% of the marine animal species in 93 bodies of water downstream from an area of Appalachia that has multiple open-pit mines. Especially problematic in relation to coal mining, acid mine drainage can continue for hundreds of years, even long after the mine has closed."

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#openpit #mining #erosion #flooding #radioactive #smog #acidrain #environment #pollution #waterislife #lithiumnevada #lithiumamericas #lithium #ThackerPass

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
654 followers · 7174 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Construction begins on controversial lithium mine in

Opponents say the Thacker Pass lithium project was rushed in the name of the green transition.

by Gabriela Aoun Angueira, March 3, 2023

"'It’s an important place not only because a terrible massacre occurred, but also because it’s a place where people gather, it’s a place for ceremony, for hunting,' said Michon Eben, tribal historic preservation officer for the Reno Sparks Indian Colony, a government that includes members from the the , and tribes. The colony is advocating for Peehee Mu’huh to be on the National Register of Historic Places. 'It’s really hard to be a tribal member and see our homelands destroyed,' said Eben.

" also comprises thousands of acres of and is a nesting ground for the sage grouse and a migration corridor for pronghorn . Environmental groups including the Great Basin Resource Watch and Western Watersheds Project say the mine would cause irreversible damage, and that the project’s impact was not adequately studied.

"'It got by the environmental impact statement process in just under a year and I would expect a project of this scale and complexity to take 3 to 5 years,' said John Hadder, director of Great Basin Resource Watch. 'That’s sloppy permitting on the side of the federal government.'

"Tribes, groups and a cattle rancher are all plaintiffs in a combined case against the Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, and , a subsidiary of . On February 6, a federal judge in Reno ruled that the BLM had complied with federal law in approving the mine, with the exception of one matter regarding waste disposal, which the judge ordered the BLM to revisit. The plaintiffs filed an appeal in the 9th Circuit and an emergency motion to block construction before the appeal hearing. The appeals court rejected the injunction and set the hearing date for June. "


#nevada #paiute #shoshone #washoe #ThackerPass #sagebrush #antelope #ecological #environmental #lithiumnevada #lithiumamericas #peeheemuhuh #notgreen #environmentalracism #nativeamericans

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
597 followers · 5834 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Three tribes file new lawsuit challenging lithium mine

by Jeniffer Solis, February 21, 2023

"A week after a federal judge closed a lawsuit against federal land managers and a mining developer, three Native American tribes have filed a new lawsuit centered on the largest known source of in the United States.

"The new lawsuit comes after U.S. District Judge Miranda Du ruled largely in favor of -based and the Bureau of Land Management in a consolidated case involving claims brought by environmental groups, a local rancher, and two tribes.

"Both tribes involved in the previous lawsuit—the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony and Burns Paiute Tribe— joined the new lawsuit along with the Summit Lake Paiute Tribe.

"'When the decision was made public on the previous lawsuit last week, we said we would continue to advocate for our sacred site PeeHee Mu’Huh. A place where prior to colonization, all our Paiute and Shoshone ancestors lived for countless generations,' said Arlan Melendez, Chairman of the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony in a statement. 'It’s a place where all and people continue to , gather medicines and food, honor our non-human relatives, honor our water, honor our way of life, honor our ancestors.'"


#ThackerPass #lithium #canada #lithiumamericas #nativeamerican #paiute #shoshone #pray #environmentalracism #culturalgenocide

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
502 followers · 4494 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Receives Favorable Ruling on Record of Decision for

"The Federal Court rejected arguments that the Project will cause unnecessary and undue degradation to the local sage grouse population and habitat, groundwater aquifers and air quality; that the BLM [Bureau of Land Management] failed to adequately assess the Project’s impacts on air quality, wildlife and groundwater; that the BLM failed to adequately consider the Project’s impacts to culturally or religiously significant areas; and that BLM acted unreasonably or in bad faith in identifying tribes for consultation before approving the Project."


#lithiumamericas #ThackerPass #nativeamericans #indigenous #indigenousrights #landback #environmentalracism

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
501 followers · 4476 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Lithium Americas meets with Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone

They are beginning to destroy the land. The legality of this is questionable, but they are doing it anyway. And BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is allowing them to do it.

by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Feb 9 2023

"While some Fort McDermitt and are meeting with promising benefits today -- elderly and disabled are living at Motel 6. Grandmothers evicted with their grandchildren said they have bee evicted from their hones to make way for mine housing."

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#paiute #shoshone #lithiumamericas #winnemucca #lithium #nativeamericans #indigenous #indigenousrights #landback #environmentalracism

Last updated 2 years ago

anna_lillith · @anna_lillith
855 followers · 6375 posts · Server mas.to
Nube · @nube_despeinado
102 followers · 2733 posts · Server mastodon.zaclys.com
Nube · @nube_despeinado
102 followers · 2733 posts · Server mastodon.zaclys.com
Nube · @nube_despeinado
102 followers · 2733 posts · Server mastodon.zaclys.com

Good ending to the day. Sun setting now. Fresh antelope tracks and coyote tracks on the trails today. This place is sacred. It is not worth destroying for any amount of money. Do not desecrate the land. , we will stop you.
Join our resistance to this mine: protectthackerpass.org
Support is needed at the mine site, reach out to us if you can come join us here - for a afternoon, a weekend, a week, or a month!

#nevada #dgr #lithium #maxwilbert #lithiumamericas

Last updated 4 years ago