Meine Frau wollte vor ein paar Wochen ein #Lithophane von unserer Tochter haben.
Da ich keine Lust hatte, das jedes Mal für sie zu machen hab ich ihr gezeigt wie es geht.
Das Resultat ist jetzt, dass mein 3D Drucker nicht mehr mir ist und sie Lithophane für jedermann erstellt.
Sollte also jemand Interesse haben, ihr Shop ist unter zu finden
Zweiter #lithophane Testdruck meiner Frau und sie hat nur ein paar Kleinigkeiten an den Einstellungen geändert und das Ergebnis ist nahezu perfekt.
Erster Testdruck für das Lithophan-Projekt meiner Frau. Sie muss definitiv noch einiges ändern und optimieren.
Aber für einen aller ersten Test war/ist das schon ganz in Ordnung
#3Ddruck #lithophane
Finally Got round to finishing a 3d printed model of the Rapunzel tower I've been painting as a feature on a frame lithophane i made for someone. The frame has a strip of WS2812B Addressable LEDs with an ESP32 controlling them using wled.
Every month or so i poke at it or paint a bit, then i shelf it and get distracted. But tonight i managed to focus enough to finish it. #3dprint #figurepainting #ModelPainting #tangled #lithophane
#3dprint #figurepainting #ModelPainting #tangled #lithophane
3D Printering: Treating Filament Like Paint Opens Wild Possibilities - New angles and concepts in 3D printing are always welcome, and we haven’t seen any... - #filamentblending #filamentpainting #3dprinterhacks #lithophane #3dprinted #hueforge #art
#art #hueforge #3dprinted #lithophane #3dprinterhacks #filamentpainting #filamentblending
A few more lithophanes I've made.
lemmings box art, raiders of the lost ark movie poster, D&D red box art, and the cover art for speedball 2
#3dprint #lithophane #retrogaming #movies #amiga #Dungeonsanddragons
#3dprint #lithophane #retrogaming #movies #amiga #dungeonsanddragons
The haunted mansion lantern wasnt originally going to be disney themed. It was going to be a #retrogaming themed one. Featuring Ultimate play the game artwork. I might still make another like it with the ultimate panels i printed.
#3dprinted #lithophane #zxspectrum #UltimatePlayTheGame #retrocomputing
#retrocomputing #UltimatePlayTheGame #zxspectrum #lithophane #3dprinted #retrogaming
Some stills of the #hauntedmansion #lithophane lantern. It looks great in a dark room but still looks nice even in bright light
#maker #waltdisneyworld #ikeahack #3dprinted #3dprint #disney
#disney #3dprint #3dprinted #ikeahack #waltdisneyworld #maker #lithophane #hauntedmansion
I finally got round to sitting down and finishing a #maker project I had to shelf months ago when i moved house.
Its a #lithophane lantern based on the paintings hanging in stretching room of the #hauntedmansion at #waltdisneyworld
It was originally a strala lamp from ikea. But i modded it, replaced.the lighting inside and am really happy with how it came out.
#disney #3dprint #3dprinted #ikeahack #waltdisneyworld #hauntedmansion #lithophane #maker
a couple of things I made last year, someone's kid loved the Kelpies statues in falkirk, and asked if I could print him little versions. so I sourced an STL for him, printed them and painted them up. made a foiled frame for him to put into a led lit box along with a large lithophne to go with it.
I added a little mini lithophen and light and packaged it all in a nice celtic themed box.
#3dprinting #maker #celtic #kelpie #scottish #falkirk #lithophane
#lithophane #falkirk #scottish #Kelpie #celtic #maker #3dprinting
#TIL about #CausticLenses based on the light effect water makes in the bottom of a pool, with computational power they can make images similar to those #Lithophane density transpacency images where the thickness makes the gradient, but this bends the light to make the projected image. Amazing!
#lithophane #causticlenses #TIL
Har leget lidt med min 3d printer (#ankermake M5) og lithophane foto printing. Det er groft sagt hvor tykkelsen på print skaber nuancerne i billedet når det gennemlyses.
Her et billede af min søn som jeg printed som test. Tog knapt 2 timer at printe.
#3Dprintinglife #lithophane
#ankermake #3dprintinglife #lithophane
I'm very happy with how this #3dprint #moon #lamp came out.
#lithophane is amazing.
#lithophane #lamp #moon #3dprint
@Curator Sanctuary, vine charcoal on paper, 9x12". Model is Argentinian ballet dancer, Agus Murray. Photo reference from the fantastic Sebastian Cvitanic (with gracious permission). I've always had a thing for natural window light. 🙂
Second pic is the same drawing as a lithophane, which is a little meta (rendering of window light lit by window light 😂). Btw, the original drawing and the lithophane are both still available -- message for details.
#lithophane #art #charcoal #dance #drawing
Auflösung: Lithophane
Ein altes, filigranes Kunsthandwerk, bei dem dünnes, lichtdurchlässiges Porzellan so bearbeitet wurde, dass bei der Beleuchtung von hinten ein Bild sichtbar wurde.
Der 3D-Druck hat es wiederbelebt.
Jene von euch, die mich schon länger kennen wissen, welche weihnachtliche Pups-Nase sich auf den Bildern versteckt hat 😁
#3DPrinting #3DArt #Lithophane #NerdoSolutions
#3dprinting #3dart #lithophane #nerdosolutions
in stupid #hamradio and #3dprinting ideas, I wonder if I can print a #lithophane #QSL card.
Thinking that'd be something cool for folks to get.
#hamradio #3dprinting #lithophane #qsl
A 2D Image Makes A 3D Print - When you imagine 3D printed art, it’s easy to envision the different kinds of scul... - #multicolor3dprinting #3dprinterhacks #3dfileformats #2.5dprinting #lithophane
#lithophane #3dfileformats #3dprinterhacks #multicolor3dprinting
A 2D Image Makes A 3D Print
#Multicolor3Dprinting #3dPrinterhacks #3Dfileformats #2.5dprinting #lithophane
#Multicolor3Dprinting #3dPrinterhacks #3Dfileformats #lithophane
RT @metalheadprntg
Caught up with all my bulb orders, just finished up with one for me and my girl Penny. 😍 This one was printed on the @Fokoos_Tech Odin-5 F3. #Caturday #CatsOfTwitter #3Dprinting #Christmas2021 #lithophane #decoration
#caturday #catsoftwitter #3dprinting #christmas2021 #lithophane #decoration