New Geological Study Rewrites History Of The World's Highest Peaks
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #uplift #Himalayas #tibet #model #modeling #research #uplift #sampling #hydrothermal #oxygenisotopes #India #Eurasia #mountains #geology #structuralgeology #TibetanPlateau #palaeoaltimetry #palaeoelevation #geodynamic #palaeoclimate #GangdeseArc #subduction #lithosphere #continentalcollision
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #uplift #himalayas #tibet #model #modeling #research #sampling #hydrothermal #oxygenisotopes #india #eurasia #mountains #geology #structuralgeology #tibetanplateau #palaeoaltimetry #palaeoelevation #geodynamic #palaeoclimate #gangdesearc #subduction #lithosphere #continentalcollision
Long-Lost Remnants Of Ancient Continents Still Lurk Beneath Antarctica
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #GOCE #gravity #seismology #antarctica #cratons #lithosphere #continents #gravitygradients #model #modeling #tectonics #geology #structuralgeology #platetectonics #orogen #earthhistory #geologichistory
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #goce #gravity #seismology #antarctica #cratons #lithosphere #continents #gravitygradients #model #modeling #tectonics #geology #structuralgeology #platetectonics #orogen #earthhistory #geologichistory
"Most earthquakes in Britain are concentrated within a north-to-south band on the west side of the island. Neighbouring Ireland, however, is almost completely free from seismic activity – a phenomenon that has puzzled scientists for hundreds of years." Sergei Lebedev
Excellent talk last week by Hannah Mark, now at Woods Hole on documenting thin lithosphere and low viscosities essential to model ice distribution over time in the southern Andes. Figure shows seismic velocities, with red corresponding to slow (hot) mantle. More info:
#McGillUniversity #WHOI #EarthSystemScience #Seismology #Lithosphere
#mcgilluniversity #WHOI #earthsystemscience #seismology #lithosphere
Post-Subduction Tectonics Induced By Extension From A Lithospheric Drip
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #formation #mechanical #data #geology #structuralgeology #platetectonics #subduction #tectonics #lithosphere #model #modeling #Borneo #magmatism #topography #uplift #Malysia #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #seismology #seismic #geophysics #gravity #gravational #volcanic #vulcanism #arc #simulation #simulations #crust #mantle #continent #orogeny
#gis #spatial #mapping #formation #mechanical #data #geology #structuralgeology #platetectonics #subduction #tectonics #lithosphere #model #modeling #borneo #magmatism #topography #uplift #malysia #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #seismology #seismic #geophysics #gravity #gravational #volcanic #vulcanism #arc #simulation #simulations #crust #mantle #continent #orogeny
Up to now,the main #reference in #science is the #concept of #biosphere ,defined as the #global #ecological #system integrating all #living #beings and their #relationships ,including their #interaction with #elements of the #lithosphere , #cryosphere , #hydrosphere and #athmosphere .With new #research on #Earth 's not well known inner #core (and how it's #rotating )it may be necessary to considerably #broaden the #perspective ,or even to adopt a totally new #paradigm .
#reference #science #concept #biosphere #global #ecological #system #living #beings #relationships #interaction #elements #lithosphere #cryosphere #hydrosphere #athmosphere #research #earth #core #broaden #perspective #paradigm #rotating
RT @JuanAfonso12
New #seismic info/evidence on a topic as interesting as controversial. Can large pieces of oceanic #lithosphere be trapped inside continents? Maybe...🤷?